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Short Definition : act or manner of using; accepted practice; way in which words are actually used

(noun) the act of using
Example Sentence
  • he warned against the use of narcotic drugs
  • skilled in the utilization of computers
(noun) accepted or habitual practice
Synonyms : custom usance
(noun) the customary manner in which a language (or a form of a language) is spoken or written
Example Sentence
  • English usage
  • a usage borrowed from French
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for usage

USAGE - USE + AGE. It is being used for ages now, a custom that has not changed at all.


Short Definition : seize another's power or rank (without legal authority); supplant; appropriate; N. usurpation; CF. take for one's own use

(verb) seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession
Example Sentence
  • He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town
  • he usurped my rights
  • She seized control of the throne after her husband died
(verb) take the place of
Example Sentence
  • gloom had usurped mirth at the party after the news of the terrorist act broke
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for usurp


usurp - If I make use of your power forcefully then I am usurping.

its "US" not "UR" "P"roperty..take by force or as one's possession

u r surp(snake)..so u always seize another power

may sound like HARPna (appropriate)

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Sounds like User UP.Your rights of user are SEIZED FORCEFULLY by hacker.

U(use) + surp(Surf excel) >> by using surf (its dirt removing force), u will seize the kingdom of or kill germs and bacteria and dirt on clothes...

Usurp and swoop. You swoop down (attack) on someone and take possesion of his powers (usurp).

The US (united States) like to take other country by force

Upset: He upset my plans to usurp the government.

U-under a Sarp(snake). Taking taking power

use ur surf powder power


Short Definition : lending money at illegal high rates of interest

(noun) an exorbitant or unlawful rate of interest
Synonyms : vigorish
(noun) the act of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for usury

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USURY reminds me of TREASURY - Lending money from the treasury at a very high rate of interest

us(e)+ur+(mone)y by lending for extra interest rates

USURY ~ USURP: You're basically trying to USURP money by lending them at exorbitant rates.

(Yun)usury! Some people criticize Dr. Yunus on the ground that his institution Grameen Bank lend money at extremely high rate of interest. Hence YunUSURY means usury.

usury - think U r SURety (collateral), will you pay the exorbitant rate of interest... for your friend (who wanted you to be his collateral)

sounds like udhari and vasuli ; its an undercover business of black money

the US (united states) lends money to other nations, but at exorbitant rates

US(we)URY(urgent)so we take money ungently at HIGH INTERESTS..

use ur money for illegal interest rates

Usury - It is profitable to the moneylender but a liability for the one who takes the loan.

us+ur+y = y(yield) of ur(your) given to us in high interests

Usury Check-into-cash places are users

usury-->wasuli(Hindi)->hafta wasuli or extortion.

Usury - They make you sorry for borrowing money from them.

usury - demanding 'surity' at a high price or US like 'surity'

because of usury the borrower cant pay back money in time which leads the lender to do USULY


Short Definition : ideal place, state, or society; ADJ. utopian

(noun) a book written by Sir Thomas More (1516) describing the perfect society on an imaginary island Definition
(noun) ideally perfect state; especially in its social and political and moral aspects Definition
(noun) a work of fiction describing a utopia Definition
(noun) an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal
Synonyms : sion zion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for utopia

remember etheopia which is a country. consider it as an ideal place on earth for everyone.

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u(you)-top-ia~aaye. ie aap class me top aaye, this is what u imagine.

utopia = u-top-i-a = u-top(ideal/perfect)- i(iota in maths ie imaginary number)-a

Utopia - If there is a utopia on earth, it lies within one's imagination.

u top ia(yeah)... at top there is heaven and its an ideal place

uTOPia...the city which is ideal will be on TOP in any ratings


Short Definition : excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife; CF. uxor: wife

(adj) foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for uxorious

Anyone will be uxorious to a LUXURIOUS woman with BUXOM breasts.

Latin 'uxor' means wife and 'ous' means full of 2.uxoricide=killing of wife.uxor=wife , because of the pun, u (you) xor(in math=complement)=someone who complements

uxorious :U(you)+XORIsounds like JORU (wife) in hindi+OUS. so you are joru ka gulaam i.e excessively submissive or devoted to your wife

Uxorious and precious - The young man was so smitten (charmed) with his wife that he considered her as most precious to him. You could say he was uxurious.

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u+xo+rious= U+OX+RIGOROUS ...NW imagine a wife commanding her husband," U OX(xo), complete this work rigorously ..!!"

In UX film Bacchan was excessively devoted to Ravina Tondon

The husband is dumb as an OX. When he is with his wife, he SOARS with pleasure. The OX SOARS with his wife.

according to newton's 3rd law, anyone who is uxorious will live his life luxurious...

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