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Short Definition : someone seeking revenge; source of downfall or ruin; CF. Nemesis

(noun) (Greek mythology) the goddess of divine retribution and vengeance Definition
(noun) something causing misery or death
Synonyms : bane curse scourge
Example Sentence
  • the bane of my life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nemesis

not+my+sis hence wants to take revenge..my sister wouldn't have been the cause of my downfall.

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Genesis(the old testament, bible) tells us to refrain from nemesis

ne(any)-mesi(mystery)so is there any mystery is present

I will take revenge on her, I will become the Name for Misery - a Nemesis to her

nemesis:- north east(ne for north east)india has(me for has) seven sister states where ancient tribal people are become terrorist to get their right back from the outsider who occupied there later and become the wealthy & pwrful.

ne(ur) me sis -> taking revenge


Short Definition : new or newly coined word or phrase

(noun) a newly invented word or phrase
Synonyms : coinage neology
(noun) the act of inventing a word or phrase
Synonyms : coinage neology
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for neologism

'neo' means 'new' and 'logos' means 'word'; so 'neologism' means inventing new word.

the word neo means new.... which gives the meaning!!!


Short Definition : recent convert; new member of a religious group; beginner; CF. plant

(noun) a plant that is found in an area where it had not been recorded previously Definition
(noun) any new participant in some activity Definition
(noun) a new convert being taught the principles of Christianity by a catechist
Synonyms : catechumen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for neophyte

split the word into "neo = the matrix hero" and "phyte = fight". Thus neo fights in matrix movie as a beginner or new commer to save the revolution.

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neo+phyte ~ new + fight; A new member or beginner always has to fight to establish his own identity.

NEW(neo)+FAITH(phyte)....a person who has faith in new religion is a neophyte

NEO(phyte) sounds like new...so someone who is new at some thing and learning it...

new + fight = the last rule of Fight Club is, if its your first night, then you have to fight


Short Definition : favoritism (to a relative); CF. nephew

(noun) favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nepotism

ne + poti + sm ~ poti (grand-daughter) .. every grand father shows favoritism for his grand daughter.

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(Tag: Hindi) ne + poti + sm ~ poti (grand-daughter) .. every grand father shows favoritism for his grand daughter.

What Mallu/Conga/Gulti HR managers DO in IT industry (favoring people from their place)

Nepotism - The great leader "Nepolean" devoid of giving preference to his kins or relations.

Nepotism comes from the Italian term "nepote", meaning "nephew (someone's relative)". Nepotism deals with the hiring of relatives.

new pot of briyani for nephew favoritism


Short Definition : lower; Ex. nether garments/regions

(adj) lower
Example Sentence
  • gnawed his nether lip
(adj) dwelling beneath the surface of the earth
Synonyms : chthonian chthonic
Example Sentence
  • nether regions
(adj) located below or beneath something else
Synonyms : under
Example Sentence
  • nether garments
  • the under parts of a machine
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nether

"NetherLand" is a country which is quite below and also called a Holland meaning hollow land. Hence can be remembered as "Nether"+"land"

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na idhar na udhar neeche idhar i.e. nether

NET+HER....when you keep HER(a girl) tied in a NET, you LOWER yourself morally...nether also means lower(adjective)

hither means here. nether means under.

nethe+r...nethe..sounds very near to necche....means ..below..or beneath..net+her....she HID HER SELF under the NET.........MEANS BELOW THE NET..OR BENEATH OR UNDER THE NET.....

net+her-> her lower garments in netted pattern


sounds like nadhir(lowest point)


Short Definition : irritate; annoy; vex; ADJ. nettlesome

(noun) any of numerous plants having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact (especially of the genus Urtica or family Urticaceae) Definition
(verb) sting with or as with nettles and cause a stinging pain or sensation
Synonyms : urticate
(verb) cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations
Example Sentence
  • Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
  • It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nettle

Nettle sounds like kettle. A Kettle boiling water makes a lot of noise and is therefore irriating and annoying. It also means "worried".

"net + tle, when internet is slow like turtle.... annoyed!"

nettle sounds like needle when someone is needling u, u get annoyed ,disturbed and irritated

take NET..when tennis players hit the ball in the net they get ANNOYED

"Why are these rumors spreading online?? I hate the internet, it's really annoying me..." "Yeah, the net'll do that."

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net + le >> jab tumhara dost net le bolata hai aur woh bohot slow nikalta hai, tab bohot jaan pe aati hai.. we get annoyed over friend and irritated while surfing the net..

Noisy like Kettle (Imagine a kettle which is burning and making alot of noise)->irritating;annoying

keep on putting nettle in my finger got irritated,annoy, vex


Short Definition : connection

(noun) the means of connection between things linked in series
Synonyms : link
(noun) a connected series or group
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nexus

there is connection in between we and next to us.

remember naxalites. They have groups and connections with each other.

it originates from "net".. since a network connects things..


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Google -- connected to android.. So their phone name nexus

think of Lexus SUV's >> they are big in space so a group of people can sit in it...

samsung NEXUS having good 3g CONNECTION


Short Definition : beak(bill); pen point

(noun) the writing point of a pen
Synonyms : pen nib
(noun) horny projecting mouth of a bird
Synonyms : beak bill neb pecker


Short Definition : precision; accuracy; minute distinction or difference; Ex. to a nicety: exactly; precisely; Ex. distinguish between niceties

(noun) conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety
Synonyms : justness rightness
Example Sentence
  • it was performed with justness and beauty
(noun) a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
Example Sentence
  • without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor
  • don't argue about shades of meaning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nicety

break nicety as 'nice'& 'ty' as 'tea' so its 'nice tea' that means it has perfect taste and is distinct from the others.

nicety-> nice+tea= accurate sugar and tea powder.


Short Definition : meanly stingy; parsimonious; N. niggard: stingy person

(adj) petty or reluctant in giving or spending
Synonyms : grudging scrimy
Example Sentence
  • a niggardly tip
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for niggardly

nigar khan dont spend money on clothes jst spend on bikini hehehehe

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nigg+HARDLY....he Hardly spends money

ni(nahi) gar(ghar or home) jiske pass ghar nahi hai woh toh reluctant hoga hi!

niggardly=ni+ggar+hardly(sounds like beggar)who is stingy yet times

ni+gard= night gard ke pass spend karne ke liye rupe nahi hote hai

nigger + ly = a nigger(a black)has no money means he is stingy

Nig(kinda like Pick)+gardly(kinda like Hardly);therefore,someone who HARDLY PICK up a check, stingy,miser

taking out is nick purse is hardly rarer, stingy

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