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Short Definition : sticky; viscous; gluey

(adj) having the sticky properties of an adhesive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glutinous

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glutinous is pronounced as "gloot-n-uhs"...so it sounds like a glue (i.e gum) which is sticky or viscous

sounds like a glue +tino(ALL THE THREE)+us…you have to paste all the three photographs on U.S visa form with STICKy GLUE……

Gluten = starch = sticky

rhymes with gluinous Glue means sticky. So glutinous means sticky


Short Definition : someone who eats too much; ADJ. gluttonous: given to gluttony; greedy; CF. gluttony: habit of eating too much

(noun) a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess Definition
(noun) musteline mammal of northern Eurasia
Synonyms : gulo gulo wolverine
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glutton

He is such a GLUTTON and eats so much that the BUTTONS on his shirt begin to pop out !

glu(glue)to mutton ! so eats too much of mutton

GLU+TON ... tons of glue is sticking to his stomach and so he looks like GLUTTON.

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A person who eats too much of mutton

Glutton eats one ton mutton.


Short Definition : protruding knot on a tree; V.

(noun) something twisted and tight and swollen
Synonyms : knot
Example Sentence
  • their muscles stood out in knots
  • the old man's fists were two great gnarls
  • his stomach was in knots
(verb) twist into a state of deformity
Example Sentence
  • The wind has gnarled this old tree
(verb) make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath
Synonyms : croak grumble murmur mutter
Example Sentence
  • she grumbles when she feels overworked
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gnarl

gnarl -- middle letters (nar)~ nara .. which people ties and makes knots


Short Definition : twisted

(adj) used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots
Example Sentence
  • gnarled and knotted hands
  • a knobbed stick
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gnarled

When you say the word "GNARLED" very fast..(say it na).. you're tongue gets TWISTED..(It's a tongue Twister)

"gnarled" sounds like "curled" as the curled hair are very much twisted "gnarled" means twisted

gna(sugarcane ) nahi kha sakte as they are old

when pronounced sounds like narled---nari(girl) are always TWISTED in nature, we cant understand them


Short Definition : dwarf; underground spirit who guards treasure hoards

(noun) a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure
Synonyms : dwarf
(noun) a short pithy saying expressing a general truth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gnome

Linux uses gnome hence it is small and lightweight.

gome >>> a small earthworm.. it LIVES UNDERGROUND and PROTECTS the crops from small insects by eating them..

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gnome similar to kom(less)


Short Definition : urge on; drive with a goad; cause (someone) to do something by continued annoyance; Ex. They goaded him into doing it by saying he was a coward; N: sharp-pointed stick for driving cattle; stimulus; CF

(noun) a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion
Synonyms : prod
(noun) a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
Example Sentence
  • the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves
(verb) give heart or courage to
Synonyms : spur
(verb) urge with or as if with a goad Definition
(verb) stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
Synonyms : prick
(verb) goad or provoke,as by constant criticism
Synonyms : needle
Example Sentence
  • He needled her with his sarcastic remarks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for goad

goad tells you to "GO And Do [it]"

goad…sounds like god…..everyday when we pray…we always URGE to god ,to give us courage to face all the hurdles and obstacles in life.

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GOAd...Just think of GOA...This itself is enough to URGE or STIMULATE you to go there

GOAD Looks like (Go+AND+Do) Urge on ---2nd meaning.

i am not able to tolerate your GODU(goad).... urging


Goad sounds like GOD who give courage to face everything in life.

goat ... bali ka bakra i.e you encourage someone to do but you have a hidden motive

goad = 1. stick 2. drive A stick which drives a GOAT (goad) can be used to drive u also

GOAD means SWEET in marathi. You urge ur guests to take some more sweets.

GOAD -> GOAT + TOAD. Imagine little boys prodding a GOAT and a TOAD, the way little boys do with animals.

GAADna(inter, push into ground)- for GAADna you have to GOAD.

small child urge for "goad"

GOD goading GOAT on ROAD.

go:going ; ad:advertisement; if an advertisement is going on and on ,it urges you to buy the product

remember it as go(Go)+ ahead(AD)....SO WE MOTIVATE

Ravana was goading god, till he appeared.

goad = girls are in road, thats why we are stimulate to follow them.


Short Definition : eat very quickly

(noun) the characteristic sound made by a turkey cock Definition
(verb) eat hastily without proper chewing
Synonyms : bolt
Example Sentence
  • Don't bolt your food!
(verb) make a gurgling sound, characteristic of turkeys
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gobble

just like google....google search quickly...gobble eat very quickly

Gob Gob kore khaoa.

sounds like bubble..you become like bubble if you eat fast, noisily and greedily

pepole says sara gud gobbar kar diya remember with "gud"


Short Definition : stuff oneself (with food); glut; CF. gorgeous: dazzlingly beautiful

(noun) a deep ravine (usually with a river running through it) Definition
(noun) a narrow pass (especially one between mountains)
Synonyms : defile
(noun) the passage between the pharynx and the stomach Definition
(verb) overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
Example Sentence
  • She stuffed herself at the dinner
  • The kids binged on ice cream
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gorge

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gorge: eat too much disgorge: vomit

remember a person GEORGE who always GORGES

Gorgeous = Beautiful, ous = full of, so gorgeous = full of beauty. Remove 'ous' means not full of beauty = fatso = stuffed.

Grand canyon looks gorgeous and contains narrow passes.


Short Definition : bloody; N. gore: blood (from a wound)

(adj) covered with blood
Synonyms : bloodstained
Example Sentence
  • a bloodstained shirt
  • a gory dagger
(adj) accompanied by bloodshed
Example Sentence
  • this bitter and sanguinary war
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gory

Gori(Mohammad) fought a lot of gory battles which caused great bloodshed.

All the fight(blood) in history has happened because of women(GORI) only.

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GORI Ladki will by BLOODY....be careful!

gory=face of gory looks red(bloody) due to white skin

gory(gorii..fair girl..)..so a GORI GIRL MET an accident because of that she is covered with BLOOD


Short Definition : sheer; very light; like cobwebs; N: soft and sheer fabric; cobweb

(noun) a gauze fabric with an extremely fine texture Definition
(noun) filaments from a web that was spun by a spider
Synonyms : cobweb
(adj) characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy
Synonyms : ethereal
Example Sentence
  • this smallest and most ethereal of birds
  • gossamer shading through his playing
(adj) so thin as to transmit light
Example Sentence
  • a hat with a diaphanous veil
  • filmy wings of a moth
  • gauzy clouds of dandelion down
  • gossamer cobwebs
  • sheer silk stockings
  • transparent chiffon
  • vaporous silks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gossamer

GO+SAMMER(summer) - we wear clothes of light fabric

SOUNDS LIKE gussa..mar de yaar..gussa mat ho.....take things lightly....light lena sikho..yaar..that's how you advice your friend.

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One can relate the sound of GOSS in Gossamer to wire-guaze. Wherein thin, tenous wires are criss-crossed and wound

We all look for places to go in summer. That's to have a very light period.

Go Summer - cobwebs, delicate breezes, insincere summer love.

Gauze worn in summer=Gossamer.

G+OSSAMMA......ossamalives places with cobwebs around

think of gossmari(de dish that is famous in karnataka),its a very light and delicate dish

GOssamer : so thin as to allow light to GO thrrough it

Gossamer material of dosa sambhar

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