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Short Definition : very carefully; ADJ.

(adj) with extreme care or delicacy
Example Sentence
  • they proceeded with gingerly footwork over the jagged stones
  • the issue was handled only in a gingerly way
(adv) in a gingerly manner
Example Sentence
  • gingerly I raised the edge of the blanket
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gingerly

you should not put a lot of ginger in any of the dish or tea, otherwise it will spoil the same. So you should be very careful while handling ginger.

be VERY CAREFUL while cutting GINGER(LY), since they are small and hard.

add ginger gingerly in small amount

when we add ginger in tea we can drive at night because we become cautious

ginger+CAT...SO HAVE you heard of ginger cat...which has brownish eyes....and old people said..if you see a ginger cat on the way..you have to be careful..as gingercat..brings bad luck.

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Ginger hotel of tata is always careful.

imagine in ur teenage u used to drink ginger beer secretly hence gingerly=secretly


Short Definition : distance around something; circumference

(noun) the distance around a person's body Definition
(noun) stable gear consisting of a band around a horse's belly that holds the saddle in place
Synonyms : cinch
(verb) tie a cinch around
Synonyms : cinch
Example Sentence
  • cinch horses
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for girth

girth resembles Earth. Remember it as the circumference of the earth is 5940302(some no.- which makes you remember the word's meaning)

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– Girth of mother reduces after the birth of the baby.

sounds like gear 't'o 'h'orse....


Short Definition : essence; main point; substance

(noun) the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
Synonyms : burden core effect essence
(noun) the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
Example Sentence
  • the gist of the prosecutor's argument
  • the heart and soul of the Republican Party
  • the nub of the story
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gist

gist..sounds very similar to list.....SO your lecturer is asking you to LIST OUT THE MAIN POINTS of the paragraph.

tell me the - guts - of your idea


Short Definition : like a glacier; of an ice age; extremely cold; Ex. glacial epoch; CF. iceberg

(adj) relating to or derived from a glacier
Example Sentence
  • glacial deposit
(adj) devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness or disdain
Example Sentence
  • a frigid greeting
  • got a frosty reception
  • a frozen look on their faces
  • a glacial handshake
  • icy stare
  • wintry smile
(adj) extremely cold
Synonyms : arctic frigid gelid icy polar
Example Sentence
  • an arctic climate
  • a frigid day
  • gelid waters of the North Atlantic
  • glacial winds
  • icy hands
  • polar weather
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glacial

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glacial can be considered as facial(unfriendliness expression)


Remember TITANIC, it was hit by a freezing cold Glacier like...and glaciers are very cold ... so glacial would be extremely cold...


Short Definition : compelling charm; ADJ. glamorous

(noun) alluring beauty or charm (often with sex-appeal)
Synonyms : glamour


Short Definition : shine intensely and blindingly; stare fixedly and angrily; N.

(noun) a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted
Synonyms : blaze brilliance
Example Sentence
  • a glare of sunlight
(noun) an angry stare
Synonyms : glower
(noun) a focus of public attention
Example Sentence
  • he enjoyed being in the limelight
  • when Congress investigates it brings the full glare of publicity to the agency
(verb) look at with a fixed gaze
Synonyms : glower
Example Sentence
  • The girl glared at the man who tried to make a pass at her
(verb) be sharply reflected
Example Sentence
  • The moon glared back at itself from the lake's surface
(verb) shine intensely
Example Sentence
  • The sun glared down on us
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glare

similar like a gale when bowler bowled the ball gale gives a angry look.


Short Definition : (of something bad) highly conspicuous; harshly bright; shining intensely and blindingly

(adj) shining intensely
Example Sentence
  • the blazing sun
  • blinding headlights
  • dazzling snow
  • fulgent patterns of sunlight
  • the glaring sun
(adj) conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
Example Sentence
  • a crying shame
  • an egregious lie
  • flagrant violation of human rights
  • a glaring error
  • gross ineptitude
  • gross injustice
  • rank treachery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glaring

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glaring~~ glowing


Short Definition : cover with a thin and shiny surface; apply a glaze to; N: thin, smooth, shiny coating (as for pottery); Ex. unglazed pottery

(noun) any of various thin shiny (savory or sweet) coatings applied to foods Definition
(noun) a glossy finish on a fabric Definition
(noun) a coating for ceramics, metal, etc. Definition
(verb) coat with a glaze
Example Sentence
  • the potter glazed the dishes
  • glaze the bread with eggwhite
(verb) become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance
Example Sentence
  • Her eyes glaze over when she is bored
(verb) furnish with glass
Synonyms : glass
Example Sentence
  • glass the windows
(verb) coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze
Synonyms : candy sugarcoat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glaze

glass coating ~ make sense yourself

teflon coating is glazing process

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blaze (a light-colored marking) the metal with glaze (a coating for ceramics)

glaze: GaLvAniZE (with Zinc over iron)

Eyes glaze when you are full of laze.


Short Definition : brief flash of light; glow; V.

(noun) an appearance of reflected light
Synonyms : gleaming glow lambency
(noun) a flash of light (especially reflected light)
Synonyms : gleaming glimmer
(verb) be shiny, as if wet
Synonyms : glint glisten glitter shine
Example Sentence
  • His eyes were glistening
(verb) shine brightly, like a star or a light
Synonyms : glimmer
(verb) appear briefly
Example Sentence
  • A terrible thought gleamed in her mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gleam

gleam - beam ; beam of light is synonym of gleam

try to remember it by remembering glimmer= light


Short Definition : gather leavings; gather grain left behind by reapers; gather bit by bit (facts or information) often with difficulty

(verb) gather, as of natural products
Synonyms : harvest reap
Example Sentence
  • harvest the grapes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for glean

It sounds like clean. You clean by gathering the leavings bit by bit

concentrate on the word lean,u lean forward,rather bend forward when u want to pick up something...gather leavings

green + clean.... you clean the green products by picking them up.

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glean: Gather for the LEAN and needy

Cleaning the surface for gleaning the information.

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