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    sanguinary - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sanguinary

    (adj) accompanied by bloodshed
    Example Sentence
    • this bitter and sanguinary war
    (adj) marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed
    Example Sentence
    • bloody-minded tyrants
    • bloodthirsty yells
    • went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sanguinary

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root word: "sangui" means blood.....so SANGUINARY means blood-thirsty

sangu....in ...army....wen dere is army der will b war nd hence bloodshed

sanguinary rhymes with SANG(WITH)-ARMY.....there were more BLOODSHED when ashok attacks along WITH(sang) his ARMY...

She was angry & cut her artery.. So much blood..

sangeen naari = kill bill

SANGUINARY or GORY which are rhyming words also have the same meaning which is, blood-thirsty or full of bloodshed.

Imagine a penGUIN that is sanguinary to others who SANG, because he himself is not able to.

sanguinary=s+aang+urinary, some body parts which contain BLOOD

Sangui + (Merce)nary - BloodThirsty!

In tamil nary means fox. Imagine a nary killing animals for food

angui(angry) + nary(nari) >>> an angry lady will try and kill u and shed ur blood or can even cut her hand and shed her blood..

A nari(women) sang contineously in a sanguinary incident,,

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