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Short Definition : of the production of electricity by the action of an acid on a metal; having the effect of an electric shock; Ex. galvanic cell; galvanic effect; CF. Luigi Galvani

(adj) pertaining to or producing electric current by chemical action
Synonyms : voltaic
Example Sentence
  • a galvanic cell
  • a voltaic (or galvanic) couple
(adj) affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling
Example Sentence
  • gave an electric reading of the play
  • the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for galvanic

looks like galvoometer...which detects change in current.

A Galvanic cell, or Voltaic cell, named after Luigi Galvani, or Alessandro Volta respectively


Short Definition : stimulate or shock by an electric current; stimulate by shock; shock into action; stir up; coat with rust-resistant zinc by using electricity

(verb) to stimulate to action
Synonyms : galvanise startle
Example Sentence
  • ..startled him awake
  • galvanized into action
(verb) cover with zinc
Synonyms : galvanise
Example Sentence
  • galvanize steel
(verb) stimulate (muscles) by administering a shock
Synonyms : galvanise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for galvanize

Imagine a Van filled with Girls(gals) appear, (GALs in VAN)how will you react, you will be STIRRED UP or REVITALIZED as if you have HAD A SHOCK.


Short Definition : opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed; action made to produce a future advantage

(noun) an opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker
Synonyms : ploy
(noun) a maneuver in a game or conversation
Synonyms : ploy stratagem
(noun) a chess move early in the game in which the player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain an advantageous position
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gambit

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gambit - remember GAMBIR who is the OPENING batsman... gambit is opening in chess

GAMBIT > In a GAMe you have to GAMBle a BIT to win!

Think of gautham GAMBHIR...he always takes risks and achieves an advantage

he gambled for now for future advantage

Gambit="game"+"bit"(beat)==to beat someone in a game(chess) you need to find the openings

GAMBIT == GAMe BaIT -- Game Bait : Bait given in a game (sacrifice for future gain)

'Game''beat' means beating in game by gambit

Don't u remember King's Gambit in which a Bishop is sacrificed

Starting the "Game" a "Bit" weekly


Short Definition : romp; skip about; leap about playfully; frolic; N.

(noun) gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement
Synonyms : caper frolic play romp
Example Sentence
  • it was all done in play
  • their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly
(verb) play boisterously
Example Sentence
  • The children frolicked in the garden
  • the gamboling lambs in the meadows
  • The toddlers romped in the playroom
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gambol

gambol : game-ball, in a football game you have to skip the ball playfully because if you don't do it the opposite player will tackle you quickly.

gambol rhymes with gamble (gambling)....so de game of gambling is played in a highly spirited fashion by a set of ppl. SYN:cavort,curvet,caper,frolic,disport, frisk,lark,play,rollick,romp,skylark

Those who gamble and win skip about playfully, frolic.

GAM(despair,sadness in hindi)+BHOOL(forget)....in order to forget your sadness you should have a playful frolic

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In Las Vegas The adults GAMBLE while the children GAMBOL

Think of Gameboy, a light-hearted lesuire play as well as one can play boisteriously too if the game is too exciting

all have seen movie GAMBLE.in which govida was full of playful and joyus.


Short Definition : in a spirited manner; with courage; Ex. fight gamely against a superior boxer; ADJ. game

(adv) in a plucky manner
Example Sentence
  • he was seen by a shepherd, gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gamely

pronounced as game+lee...so Bret Lee plays the game in a spirited manner.

Bruce LEE plays the GAME of martial arts gamely

when you say I am game, that means that you are ready to indulge in a even t or any game completely in a spirited manner.

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when you r playing a game in needs lot of COURAGE AND effort to win.and if you lie down(gamELY).u will lose


Short Definition : entire range

(noun) a complete extent or range:
Example Sentence
  • a face that expressed a gamut of emotions
(noun) the entire scale of musical notes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gamut

Gamut=From gamma to theta ,the entire range.

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GA Mut (don't sing) because range of your vocal cords is abysmally low.

related to gau mut...Cow (gaay in hindi) + pee (mutr in hindi) contain all type of minerals

telugu gamut=ga mati means that land ie entire range

A game shop has gamut of all the games and toys.

the P.T. master told the boys " ur game ll held at the back ground. dont come to other place and play. tat area is ur RANGE" GAME AT UR RANGE

GONE GREEN and when does one go BLUE-green only after an injury....:)


Short Definition : decay of body tissue caused by insufficient blood supply (usually following injury); ADJ. gangrenous

(noun) necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass
Synonyms : slough sphacelus
(noun) the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply) Definition
(verb) undergo necrosis
Example Sentence
  • the tissue around the wound necrosed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gangrene

gan(GUN)+grene(GREEN)..so if you are shot by a gun and if your leg or hand gets injured and if you donot take any medical care, the wound turns blue..GREEN...AND THAT IS HOW YOU DEVELOP GANGRENE.

Gang Rain i.e. rain in gang means all of a sudden meaning sudden death due to very heavy rain


Short Definition : open widely; open the mouth wide; stare wonderingly with the mouth open; CF. agape

(noun) an expression of openmouthed astonishment Definition
(noun) a stare of amazement (usually with the mouth open) Definition
(verb) look with amazement; look stupidly
Synonyms : gawk gawp goggle
(verb) be wide open
Synonyms : yaw yawn
Example Sentence
  • the deep gaping canyon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gape

GAP(E) means wide open space. So gape is a wide open mouthed expression or action.

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agape is A Gap between lips

GAPE = GAP ; recall the hot scene by sharon stone in basic instinct; she shows GAP b/w her legs...and u felf like..OMG, WTF...amazing...u stare like an idiot !

Gape sounds like Rape. When you read a gang rape news you got amazed.


Short Definition : mixed up; jumbled; distorted; V. garble: mix up or distort (a message) to such an extent as to make misleading or unintelligible

(adj) lacking orderly continuity
Example Sentence
  • a confused set of instructions
  • a confused dream about the end of the world
  • disconnected fragments of a story
  • scattered thoughts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for garbled

remember it wid hindi word GADBAD

garb (relate it to GARBAGE) AND IN GARBAGE all the spoiled and distorted materials are mixed up.

Relate it with GARGLE... so when our voice get distorted or mixed up voice comes out.. we do gargle... to make it rite....

Any Project with Confused or insequential instructions leads (LED) to GARBage output, hence GARB-LED

GARB(age) LE(a)Ds to distorted and mixed up things

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pronounce "g" in it as "j" and then u can see that it kinda sounds like "Jumbled" which almost means the same as "Garbled"

remember it with GARGLE. when you gargle water in your throat gets mixed up.


Short Definition : huge; enormous; gigantic; CF. the hero of Gargantua and Pantagruel

(adj) of great mass; huge and bulky
Synonyms : elephantine giant jumbo
Example Sentence
  • a jumbo jet
  • jumbo shrimp
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gargantuan

GAN(R)G + ANT = ARMY OF ANTS which is quite huge.

ghar mein ants which are enormous.

remember ORANGUTAN.. which is huge monkey

gargantuan: sounds like ghar ka ghanta; A 'ghanta' (BELL) is enormous compared to 'ghanti'

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my frnd R**** GARG as compared to an ANT is very enormous..it will help u if u have a huge frnd named garg..:P

I have a friend named Yash GARG, he is huge and enormous in size :P , so try to imagine a friend named Garg too

sounds similar to "gigantic" which means huge and enormous.

Garg aunty is of gargantuan size.

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