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   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for crabbed

CRABbed can be remembered from CRAB . CRAB is a peevish, bad tempered and is irritable in nature and it also tends to bite . So A CRAB represents properties of a crabbed person.

when u have a crab on u bed : it is irritable and ill tempered

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Remember Disney's Little Mermaid? The crab sebstian was always swearing..( Though he was sweet).

crab moves in different directions in the same way your writing also takes different direcitons which is not good to look at

there is all kinds of moods like happy sad angry , and then there is this "crab" mood. if you ever interact with some one in crab mood you willl think of a crab monster person

a crab handwriting occurs when you dip a small crab in ink and put it on a piece of paper

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