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Short Definition : resigned to defeat or failure; accepting defeat or failure as a natural outcome; N. CF. defeatism

(noun) someone who is resigned to defeat without offering positive suggestions
Synonyms : negativist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defeatist

defeatist-> A person who accept defeat is called defeatist.

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DEFEAT + -ist(specialist)..so one how specializes the defeat!..

defeated person

defeat+test-> accept failure


Short Definition : shortcoming; V: desert (in order to join the opposite one)

(noun) an imperfection in a bodily system
Example Sentence
  • visual defects
  • this device permits detection of defects in the lungs
(noun) a failing or deficiency
Synonyms : shortcoming
Example Sentence
  • that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information
(noun) an imperfection in an object or machine
Synonyms : fault flaw
Example Sentence
  • a flaw caused the crystal to shatter
  • if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer
(noun) a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body)
Synonyms : blemish mar
Example Sentence
  • a facial blemish
(verb) desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army
Synonyms : desert
Example Sentence
  • If soldiers deserted Hitler's army, they were shot
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defect

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If there's DEFECT in u, ppl will ABANDON u


Short Definition : desertion

(noun) withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility
Synonyms : abandonment desertion
Example Sentence
  • his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless
(noun) the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes)
Synonyms : apostasy renunciation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defection

de + affection -> no affection; if you have no affection then you will leave it

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when you go to a shop to buy something but you find that it is DEFECtive - you will surely desert it!

Defection is seen in case of contagious infection. Everyone leaves the patient during that time.

fection- take it as fiction. fiction generally has a deserted background.

de+infection.Infection is something that stays with you where as de infection is something that leaves you..desertion

de + affection -> no affection; if you have no affection then you will be left out in desert alone

de+affection means opposite of affection. It means showing affection to the rivals


Short Definition : give in respectfully; submit; delay till later; exempt temporarily; N. deferment; CF. show respect, comply with, courteous

(verb) hold back to a later time
Example Sentence
  • let's postpone the exam
(verb) yield to another's wish or opinion
Synonyms : accede bow give in submit
Example Sentence
  • The government bowed to the military pressure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defer

Read Duffer- A duffer owing to his incompetence has to always give in and delay that too with respect.

if anyboby 1)refer=fast 2)defer=slow/postpone

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if there is no difference between actual answer and your answer click SUBMIT button without DELAY

Rhymes with prefer I prefer to defer the exam.

difer to it eventhough it Differs to your opinion

defer the bug to next release.

def+her so delay or postpone give it respectfuly


Short Definition : courteous regard for another's wish; courteous yielding to another's wish or opinion (showing respect); ADJ. deferential; OP. effrontery

(noun) a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard
Synonyms : respect
Example Sentence
  • his deference to her wishes was very flattering
  • be sure to give my respects to the dean
(noun) courteous regard for people's feelings
Synonyms : respect respectfulness
Example Sentence
  • in deference to your wishes
  • out of respect for his privacy
(noun) a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deference

if there is no DIFFERENCE between you and him, then you will respect his wishes.

sounds like REVERENCE

defeat+reverence. in battles we give reverence to even those who we defeat, hence deference to all.

if you will make no DEFERENCE(difference) between ST/SC/OBC and GENERAL, you will be RESPECTED

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defer rhymes wit refer..


DEFERENCE---> sounds like---> di-farmaiye = you are asking respectfully frm ur didi.

there's difference between boss and servant ,so servant respects boss

deference sounds like reference ..so doing things on regard of some1 who is in reference

deference=de+reference -> without refer to

deference sounds like reference. If you have a reference for a letter of recommendation, then you usually respect that reference.

deference Read as "desire + reference" someone acting in reference to your desires.

It sounds like preference,which means giving priority 2 othr

it is like reference of respectable persons which you add in your CV

Deference; defer means to agree with someone.

deference=def+her+hence give her respect


Short Definition : refusal to yield; resistance; V. defy; ADJ. defiant

(noun) intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude
Synonyms : rebelliousness
(noun) a hostile challenge Definition
(noun) a defiant act
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defiance

fiance - resembles fiancee, before marraige, fiancees generally resist or refuse to yield to our advances.

defiance -> defence; you defence some thing means you resist some thing.. not ready to yield their country land

when somebody takes loan.it called as "loan is FINANCED".and suppose bank refuse to finance then it could alled as defiance.means refused.


Short Definition : pollute; make filthy or dirty; corrupt morally; profane; desecrate; N: narrow passage or gorge through mountains

(noun) a narrow pass (especially one between mountains)
Synonyms : gorge
(verb) place under suspicion or cast doubt upon
Synonyms : cloud corrupt sully taint
Example Sentence
  • sully someone's reputation
(verb) make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically
Example Sentence
  • The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air
  • Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man
(verb) spot, stain, or pollute
Synonyms : befoul foul maculate
Example Sentence
  • The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defile

If you (de)FILE a case against him you will tarnish his image.

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de-file,file sounds like profile ,defile is to pollute some once profile

file- take this as fillings, iron fillings are generally harmful to the atmosphere,they pollute,make filthy and add a lot of dirt to the environment.

DEAF+AILe...if you ail(harm) deaf person, you will rape your image coz what's in harming innocent people

DEAF+AILe...if you ail(harm) deaf person, you will rape your image coz what's in harming innocent people

defile-> de file the papers in the file and make it dirty,pollute

defile->(de)The file gap narrow passage

DEFILE=DE+FILE...FILE rhymes with FAIL.so if U FAIL in DE exams u SHOW DISRESPECT FOR THE PLACE OF WORSHIP,prayers alone wont suffice

DEAF+AILe...if you ail(harm) deaf person, you will rape your image coz what's in harming innocent people


Short Definition : most reliable; authorative and complete; that cannot be improved; conclusive; decisive; definite; Ex. definitive decision by the supreme court

(adj) clearly defined or formulated
Synonyms : unequivocal
Example Sentence
  • the plain and unequivocal language of the laws
(adj) of recognized authority or excellence
Example Sentence
  • the definitive work on Greece
  • classical methods of navigation
(adj) supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement
Synonyms : determinate
Example Sentence
  • a definitive verdict
  • a determinate answer to the problem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for definitive

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definitive -> definitions are complete answer of any question .

the final answer which is more definite than anything definite. in other words the most fdefinite of the definite of the definite of the...


Short Definition : turn aside; turn away from a straight course

(verb) prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening
Example Sentence
  • Let's avoid a confrontation
  • head off a confrontation
  • avert a strike
(verb) turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest
Synonyms : bend turn away
(verb) turn aside and away from an initial or intended course Definition
(verb) draw someone's attention away from something
Synonyms : distract
Example Sentence
  • The thief distracted the bystanders
  • He deflected his competitors
(verb) impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball)
Synonyms : block parry
Example Sentence
  • block an attack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deflect

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sounds like reflect. If some thing reflects, it turns away


Short Definition : destroy leaves; deprive of leaves (by the use of chemicals); N. defoliant

(verb) strip the leaves or branches from
Example Sentence
  • defoliate the trees with pesticides
(adj) deprived of leaves
Synonyms : defoliated
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for defoliate

de(without, not having) + folio(folios..green leaves)....excessive use of chemicals can destroy the greenness of leaves.

de+FALL+ATE: u make the leaves to fall, and eat them...thereby depriving of leaves...!!!

defoliate-> destroy foil late dry leaves

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