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    accede - Dictionary definition and meaning for word accede

    (verb) yield to another's wish or opinion
    Synonyms : bow , defer , give in , submit
    Example Sentence
    • The government bowed to the military pressure
    (verb) take on duties or office
    Synonyms : enter
    Example Sentence
    • accede to the throne
    (verb) to agree or express agreement
    Synonyms : acquiesce , assent
    Example Sentence
    • The Maestro assented to the request for an encore
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for accede

in the word accede acce sounds like"axe"- when you have "axe" scent girls will agree to what u said

startng letters soundd lyk axe(acce)+de...usually when u happen 2 experience a threat wid an axe,u agree 2 everythng othrs want...so basically accede goes 2 agreement...

people accept anything u say when u carry acid in ur hand

ac+cede( means to yield)..so accede means to yield to somebody opinion or wish.

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sounds like accept + agreed : accede;


Sounds like exceed,a boy request a girl to exceed the limits of her parents and run away with him, also excess of money will make the person the King(the other meaning of the word)

The A/C ceded yelled a man!(cede=actual word meaning to "give up") All the sweating humans agreed.

"acc" accept=accede

accede = a + ccede This means proceed as I agreed.e.g. you can proceed as I agreed.

OMG, THE A/C ceded! Cede is actual word meaning to give up. In 110 degrees, sweaty folk agreed.

take last word cede as seed.so,i agree seed is not there plant will also not be there.

take last word cede as seed.so,i agree seed is not there plant will also not be there.

accede=sucessed, sucessed when u agree with everyone..

take last word cede as seed.so,i agree seed is not there plant will also not be there.

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