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Short Definition : harmful

(adj) harmful to living things
Synonyms : hurtful injurious
Example Sentence
  • deleterious chemical additives
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deleterious

relate it to DELETE...so you DELETE all the spam mails because they may BE HARMFUL to your PC.

Can be related to delete...Harmful substances must be deleted to prevent danger.

most of the VIRUS DELETE files and hence they are HARMFUL i.e DELETERIOUS

If A deletes B then for B, A is harmful (Just imagine)

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delete terrible to us- as in harmful

its sound like "serious"-if any person is serious it is HARMFUL to others..

seriously delete it because this virus is very harmful

anything deleterious is so evil it originally intends to delete you completely off the surface of the earth, but it is not so successful and only brings harm to you


Short Definition : consider; ponder; ADJ: done on purpose; slow

(verb) think about carefully; weigh
Example Sentence
  • They considered the possibility of a strike
  • Turn the proposal over in your mind
(verb) discuss the pros and cons of an issue
Synonyms : debate
(adj) carefully thought out in advance
Synonyms : calculated measured
Example Sentence
  • a calculated insult
  • with measured irony
(adj) unhurried and with care and dignity
Synonyms : careful measured
Example Sentence
  • walking at the same measured pace
  • with all deliberate speed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deliberate

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daily + berate => if you get berated(scolded) daily, you need to think it over as to why it happens..

break it as de + liberate. can be taken as not to liberate. Industries have to 'consider' seriously over the issue of liberating toxic products into environment.

deliberate=DEL(H)I+be+RATE thus delhi mein rate itne bad gaye hain ki kuch bi kharidne se pehle sochna padta hai.. thus deliberate is to think over

deliberate- u do things deleberatly,when u think u know it,ie wen u consider it to be known,after doing it,its the common thing,that our mind ponders upon the outcome.

people only think about their daily bread

stop decreasing labor rate, done consciously and intentionally: "a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict".


Short Definition : portray; depict; sketch; describe; N. delineation

(verb) show the form or outline of
Synonyms : define
Example Sentence
  • The tree was clearly defined by the light
  • The camera could define the smallest object
(verb) determine the essential quality of Definition
(verb) trace the shape of
Synonyms : limn outline
(verb) make a mark or lines on a surface
Synonyms : describe draw line trace
Example Sentence
  • draw a line
  • trace the outline of a figure in the sand
(verb) describe in vivid detail Definition
(adj) represented accurately or precisely
Synonyms : delineated represented
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delineate

Delineate = (Diligently and neatly) portrayed painting.

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delineate sounds like alienate, and if you are attacked by aliens, you would describe the event in vivid detail in order to make people believe you!

concentrate upon de+LINE+ate....d stands for draw ,line for sketch and ate for appropriatly.it may help you

Read as De + line + ate. You describe every word line by line to make ur child ate beet root.

delineate--> de+linea+te, concentrate on the word linea(fiat car), its worth a sketch or portray.

delineate = de (described) + line + ate; describe in line whatever you ate in the marriage ceremony.

De-lineate - BE-LINENIENT - So art teachers will not BE-LINIENT if you do not portray; depict or sketch the figure properly.

de"LINEA"te.... when we spot a linea car we try to sketch the car because of its design!!!...

deLINEATE-if u can concentrate on the highlightened one,ie lineateit tells the meaning that it is single,in a straight line,linear.so delineate is the opposite,ie to describe,dipict,potray ,sketch..etc..


to remember the synonym u have to jus replace LINEA with LINEAR ..... so now the word can be seperated as DE-LINE-ART...ie art by lines

deconstruct the concept line by line

delineate=daily +neat jolly is daily neat and clean so ram sketch her photo and define shape ,quality

To delineATE is with detail, but to adumbrATE is with a sketch

de-line-ate...you can see line ...so you trace the outline..

Deli + ate ->Delhi me kahan Ate karna hai iska pura plan

If some 1 don't know where exactly is Delhi city located you will draw a sketch of india and explain it to him.


Short Definition : mental disorder marked by confusion; uncontrolled excitement; ADJ. delirious

(noun) state of violent mental agitation
Synonyms : craze frenzy fury hysteria
(noun) a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delirium

split it as deli + r(i)um... taking rum daily will cause mental disorder

(Focus on deli in this word and relate that to Delhi) visualize the city DELHI where terrorist sometime create mental disorder among the residents...

delirium - sounds like daily rum... you will get mental disorder and confused

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Sounds like delerious

deliri(l)ium..in the LIRIL advetisement every one will be bathing with excitment!!!...

a lot of DELIma causes mental disorder... so delirium means mental disorder marked by confusion :)


Short Definition : flat plain of mud or sand between branches of a river

(noun) a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides before entering a larger body of water
Example Sentence
  • the Mississippi River delta
  • the Nile delta
(noun) an object shaped like an equilateral triangle Definition
(noun) the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet


Short Definition : deceive

(verb) be false to; be dishonest with
Synonyms : cozen deceive lead on
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delude

very close to the word elude, and when you elude someone in a clever way ,you are actually deceiving them.

de + lude(lure). So when your wife is luring someone., she is actually decieving you.

deLUDE conc on lude which rhymes with 'lewd',meaning a philanderer.therefore yu can never trust such ppl cos they'll CHEAT n DECEIVE u

DELUDE-> DELUSION ->which similar to ILLUSION(false)

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Elude means escape either mentally or physically so to elude you should delude.

In Mumbai train explosion Attack by pak terrorists government delude (to be dishonest with /be false to) the number of deaths in fact more than 100 people were killed and more than 1000 people were injured very badly

delude -> play with the(de) lodo(lude) in wrong dishonest way

mi kuna dusrya mulila LURE kartoi mhanje mi majhya baiko la DELUDE (DELURE- deceive) kartoi..


Short Definition : flood; rush; V.

(noun) an overwhelming number or amount
Synonyms : flood inundation torrent
Example Sentence
  • a flood of requests
  • a torrent of abuse
(noun) a heavy rain Definition
(noun) the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land
Example Sentence
  • plains fertilized by annual inundations
(verb) fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid
Synonyms : flood inundate swamp
Example Sentence
  • the basement was inundated after the storm
  • The images flooded his mind
(verb) charge someone with too many tasks
Synonyms : flood out overwhelm
(verb) fill or cover completely, usually with water
Synonyms : inundate submerge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deluge

del[dell company]uge[huge]...so when the Del company advertised it's product, there was a huge rush of requests, a deluge of requests.

there was a flood/rush of people for the job opening at del(l) company.

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dam + huge ... so as to prevent flooding

: delhi had a huge flood recently

delete the use temp files otherwise this can slow ur pc

deluge = Del + Huge; Del company makes a huge flow of business deal for its new product lunge Del Inspiron series.

In a couple deluge, some ones get huge and rush & some ones get flooded wet :P


Short Definition : false belief; hallucination; deluding; Ex. delusions of grandeur; Ex. under the delusion that

(noun) (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary
Synonyms : psychotic belief
(noun) a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea
Synonyms : hallucination
Example Sentence
  • he has delusions of competence
  • his dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination
(noun) the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas
Synonyms : head game illusion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delusion

sounds like illusion which is nothing but false belief

try to remember just 1 word..delude; delude = deceive delusion = result of getting deceived (false beliefs) delusive=deceitful

When you have a delusion, you usually have many illusions and therefore false beliefs and hallucinations.

similar to that of an ILLUSION..


Short Definition : deceptive; likely to delude; misleading; raising vain hopes; Ex. delusive promises

(adj) inappropriate to reality or facts
Synonyms : false
Example Sentence
  • delusive faith in a wonder drug
  • delusive expectations
  • false hopes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delusive

delusive sounds like "illusion" which means unreal or false

think about delude (deceive) and elusive (evasive, deceptive)

del(love)usive-> using love for dishonest relationship


Short Definition : dig; search deeply; investigate

(verb) turn up, loosen, or remove earth
Synonyms : cut into dig turn over
Example Sentence
  • Dig we must
  • turn over the soil for aeration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delve

delve sounds like shelves..you delve out the shelves for your girlfriends photo..

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Sounds like Dell. My Dell machine is crashed. Now I want to INVESTIGATE why it is crashed?

a crazy fan of elvis priesly goes to dig out his body from the grave...DigELVE

D+ elve( elevation)= when u see the elevation inside the ground means they are digging something from the ground;

it sound like delable...so to de lable a floor we have to dig it,for investigating resoursce inside it

Samsung Delve R800 mobile .I need to investigate before buying!!

Where does my DELL Lapy dwell in my house i have to INVESTIGATE for it

delve=The+ L_ve. there is investigation and digging of history in love

d + elve(elevate) >>> means to bring up level of somthing.. ie to DIG and bring above the earth..

delve = DELlta + negatiVE: deltas value has come out negative. unow we have to investigate why????

delve -> deep love now days you have to dig,search and investigate to find it

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