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Short Definition : lively or animated; sprightl sprightly/lively

(adj) vigorous and animated
Synonyms : vibrant
Example Sentence
  • a vibrant group that challenged the system
  • a charming and vivacious hostess
  • a vivacious folk dance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vivacious

U shud try to be lively at time of ur VIVA

link it like ... VIVA's .. in engineering only Viva's are real and shows the real capability of a student .. asliyat saamne aa jati hai puri.

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VIVACIOUS AND LUGUBRIOUS are opposites. Vivacious means, vibrant, lively, while lugubrious means, dismal, mournful.

hi guys u have heard the phrase viva la rasa it make brazilian to exite up and make cheerfuk

after having VIVA drink you should animated to feel lively

remember the band.. viva girls??? viva girls are vivacious( lively)


Short Definition : (of light or color) bright and distinct; evoking lifelike mental images; Ex. vivid red hair/description

(adj) evoking lifelike images within the mind
Example Sentence
  • pictorial poetry and prose
  • graphic accounts of battle
  • a lifelike portrait
  • a vivid description
(adj) having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience
Example Sentence
  • a vivid recollection
(adj) having striking color
Synonyms : bright brilliant
Example Sentence
  • bright dress
  • brilliant tapestries
  • a bird with vivid plumage
(adj) (of color) having the highest saturation
Synonyms : intense
Example Sentence
  • vivid green
  • intense blue
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vivid

THIS word sound like hindi word VIVIDH, which means DISTINCT.

Vivid is the opposite of languid. Vivid is physical energy, whereas languid is physical inertness (dull).

vivid- imagine in visual about video picture make us bright and lively


Short Definition : act of dissecting living animals

(noun) the act of operating on living animals (especially in scientific research)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vivisection

Vivisection means disection.

vivi(d)+section => make distinct sections means dissection.

Easy!! VIV means LIVE ,and SECT means to CUT. Vivisection means to cut sth. alive.

vivacious means lively. Section means to cut. hence vivisection means to cut live animals.


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'vivisection' try to remember with 'visual section' of a living animal.

vivid + section >>> many sections or wards reminds u of a hospital... and in hospital there are operations on living animals or humans..


Short Definition : female fox; ill-tempered woman; CF. shrew

(noun) a malicious woman with a fierce temper
Synonyms : harpy hellcat
(noun) a female fox
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vixen

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vixen sounds like (vex) which is to annoy, implying ill tempered !!

The VIXEN runs off with the CHICKEN from the nearby farm.

oxen means cow who is very generous female. vixen is opp. of oxen which is wicked, ill-tempered woman or fox.

Vixen=vicks +enraged;when we put vicks we have cold or headache , hence we will bw short tempered.

Vixen like Foxen....so like Fox, shrewed and ill-tempered woman


Short Definition : clamorous; noisy; V. vociferate: cry out loudly (when complaining)

(adj) conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
Example Sentence
  • blatant radios
  • a clamorous uproar
  • strident demands
  • a vociferous mob
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vociferous


take the second part of word --> FEROUS !!! it is oer of IRON .. so when iron peices collide with each other ... they make noise !! "" ferous --> iron --> collide to make noise ""

sounds like "voice of ferous(iron)" which is very noisy.

Vociferous (Voice(y) + Furs) Imagine a bird fluttering its wings rapidly in air. What kind of sound its FURS (of Wings) gonna make?? Very OFFENSIVELY LOUD SOUND.

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Vociferous (loud)is the opposite of harmonious (peaceful).

vocy or walky talky is quite noisy

do you remembr the cindrella's aunty had a cat called LUCIFER. its a rugged cat which never listens to what the aunt says and makes noises. the arrogant cat. so lucifer = vocifer(ous) = noisy , loud

voice furious

vociferous = Voice + ferous (cut something); sound is going to cut something i.e loud sound.


Short Definition : popular fashion; Ex. Jeans became the vogue.

(noun) the popular taste at a given time
Synonyms : style trend
Example Sentence
  • leather is the latest vogue
  • he followed current trends
  • the 1920s had a style of their own
(noun) a current state of general acceptance and use
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vogue

remember provogue brand

vogue is like "bhog" in Hindi. bhog represents comfort. One will wants bhog will be up to date with all the vogues.

Vogue and provoke...sometimes fashion trends (in vogue) provoke (anger) a certain class of conservative people.

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VOGUE is a vey popular magazine

vogue seems like the vog(hunger) in nepali which is prevalent in the karnali region

Isn't a ROGUE always STYLIST? ;)

rog + u shape pant is the fashion


Short Definition : changeable; of a quickly changing nature (as of temper); mercurial; tending to violence; evaporating rapidly; Ex. volatile character/situation in the street

(noun) a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor
Example Sentence
  • it was heated to evaporate the volatiles
(adj) evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures
Example Sentence
  • volatile oils
  • volatile solvents
(adj) liable to lead to sudden change or violence
Synonyms : explosive
Example Sentence
  • an explosive issue
  • a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation
(adj) marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments
Synonyms : fickle
Example Sentence
  • fickle friends
  • a flirt's volatile affections
(adj) tending to vary often or widely
Example Sentence
  • volatile stocks
  • volatile emotions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for volatile

volatile memory is a computer memory which gets erased when power is turned off, i.e., changed suddenly like RAM, so VOLATILE means Lliable tochange

Think: Vola (volume)-tile (vile)... The VOLUME of the liquid in the VILE changed quickly into a vapor.

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Volatile and ethereal...both mean light, delicate.

volleyball = air ball. Volatile = will be in air in a second . they actually have same roots (volare = fly)


Short Definition : act of using one's will; act of making a conscious choice; Ex. She selected this dress of her own volition.

(noun) the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention
Synonyms : will
Example Sentence
  • the exercise of their volition we construe as revolt
(noun) the act of making a choice
Synonyms : willing
Example Sentence
  • followed my father of my own volition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for volition

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Volition: Voting- Politicion

voluntary action

Remember "violation". It means "act of not complying to one's will" (e.g., harassment etc.,). "volition" sounds pretty much like that but, opposite in meaning.

Volition (Volley + Shun):Act of making a conscious decision. Volley : Volley Ball Shun : To Stop Concerning his degrading grades Nikhil "MADE A CONSCIOUS DECISION" of holding his participation in VOLLEY BALL MATCHES.

viola i found the right choice in gre question mcqs

BHOLI भोली(ingenue/gullible) SON has not volition as his parents take all desions.

volition sounds like volatile...n u sud me careful while handaling t volatile materials

vOli(P)TION v (we) want options for choosing...that is free will option of chosing

Volition is to be at one's discretion.

volichan: it mean choice



Short Definition : simultaneous discharge of a number of shots; V.

(noun) rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms
Synonyms : burst fusillade salvo
Example Sentence
  • our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise
(noun) a tennis return made by hitting the ball before it bounces Definition
(verb) be dispersed in a volley
Example Sentence
  • gun shots volleyed at the attackers
(verb) hit before it touches the ground
Example Sentence
  • volley the tennis ball
(verb) discharge in, or as if in, a volley
Example Sentence
  • the attackers volleyed gunshots at the civilians
(verb) make a volley Definition
(verb) utter rapidly
Example Sentence
  • volley a string of curses
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for volley

just like in volley-ball we throw shots at each other..

"Vaali", the elder brother of "Sugreeva" could hurl stones at enemies with ease. He volleyed the enemies with stones.

valley is collection of large no of mountains, so meaning is LARGE NO OF THINGS


Short Definition : fluent; talkative; glib; N. volubility

(adj) marked by a ready flow of speech
Example Sentence
  • she is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in soliloquies not conversations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for voluble

Remember "volume" in TV controls. It's related to sound. This voluble is also related to speaking.

Voluable (talkative) and inconversable (reserved) have opposite meanings.

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