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Short Definition : vested power to reject a bill; exercise of this right; V: prevent or forbid by exercising the power of veto

(noun) a vote that blocks a decision Definition
(noun) the power or right to prohibit or reject a proposed or intended act (especially the power of a chief executive to reject a bill passed by the legislature) Definition
(verb) vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent
Synonyms : blackball negative
Example Sentence
  • The President vetoed the bill
(verb) command against
Example Sentence
  • I forbid you to call me late at night
  • Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store
  • Dad nixed our plans
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for veto

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Veto and vote are opposites. Veto is to prohibit,disallow, while vote means, to approve, give consent.

in Indian idol2010 judges used their VETO power to save one of the contestants from being kicked out

pota act in india - power to arrest terrorist


Short Definition : annoy; distress

(verb) cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations
Example Sentence
  • Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
  • It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves
(verb) disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress
Synonyms : worry
Example Sentence
  • I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me
(verb) change the arrangement or position of Definition
(verb) subject to prolonged examination, discussion, or deliberation
Example Sentence
  • vex the subject of the death penalty
(verb) be a mystery or bewildering to
Example Sentence
  • This beats me!
  • Got me--I don't know the answer!
  • a vexing problem
  • This question really stuck me
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vex

very similar to wax....and LADIES go for waxing, even though it is a very painful and annoying process.

Vex and perplex both mean, to confuse.

Vex and sex..both are confusing :p

vex : v = very , ex = extrime. anything very extreme is annoying.

V think of our EX, it makes us disturb, irritated and annoys us


Short Definition : capable of maintaining life; feasible; practical or workable; Ex. viable scheme

(adj) capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are Definition
(adj) capable of life or normal growth and development
Example Sentence
  • viable seeds
  • a viable fetus
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for viable

SURVIVABLE ! got it?

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vi(VIV=LIFE) + ABLE....so some one who is ABLE to live his LIFE.

via = through or way.... , able = possible..... so its something possible by a certain way or not! :)

via-way : so there is a way, so possible..

vi+able—vi(we) are able to do this, i.e., feasible

Viable (to survive)and reviveable (to give new life or strength).

vi: vision able: capable of able to see means able to live.


Short Definition : food; CF. live

(noun) a choice or delicious dish
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for viand

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"Vindu" in Telugu means "feast". Viand sounds close to "vindu"

sounds like via hand..wat goes to stomach via hand is food..

Y - AND : If it's a CHOICE OR DELICIOUS DISH, you wont ask yourself "Y" "AND" wont wait before eating

Viand and mind... If you do not eat good food (viand), you will not have a healthy mind.

well sorry for this.. but relate it to gand.. jo khana(food)khate ho,vo gand se nikalta hai..

Viyanthu means to get awe inspired. Astonished looking at the great food.

viand....why+anda(egg)...why do we eat egg because it's delicious

viand ~ band (band in hindi means Strike) ... so when there is a strike(because of communal tensions/politics etc..) in your city ...you should have enough viand to survive for that period to survive :)

viand = y end? WE CAN STILL EAT FOOD AND LIVE ON........

Vi(Wine) and......

viand : vi = very , and d = delicious that is food.

Bindu ... aacha khanna banati hai kon hai ye bindu


Short Definition : full of vigor or energy; vibrating

(adj) vigorous and animated
Synonyms : vivacious
Example Sentence
  • a vibrant group that challenged the system
  • a charming and vivacious hostess
  • a vivacious folk dance
(adj) of sounds that are strong and resonating
Example Sentence
  • the men's vibrant voices
(adj) of colors that are bright and striking
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vibrant

Vibrant and brilliant both sound similar and have the same meaning....bright, shining.

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mobile vibrating with full energy


Short Definition : parish priest; representative

(noun) a Roman Catholic priest who acts for another higher-ranking clergyman Definition
(noun) (Episcopal Church) a clergyman in charge of a chapel Definition
(noun) (Church of England) a clergyman appointed to act as priest of a parish
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vicar

vicar is a high ranked person, he will always come in a car

vicar = representative. we know that vicarious means substitude or secondary. vicar is person who s secondary that is representative og gods. priest are representatives of jesus.

"vikara:" in Sanskrit means "not composed". This vicar is opposite of that. Priest is composed.

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A VICAR is a PASTOR, meaning a priest.

viceroy .... was the highest representative of the country

We do things for the people "we care". We work for our friends when they absent


Short Definition : experienced as if one were taking part in the experience of another; done by a deputy for other people; acting as a substitute; Ex. vicarious thrill at the movies; Ex. the vicarious sufferings of Chri

(adj) experienced at secondhand
Example Sentence
  • read about mountain climbing and felt vicarious excitement
(adj) occurring in an abnormal part of the body instead of the usual site involved in that function
Example Sentence
  • vicarious menstruation
(adj) suffered or done by one person as a substitute for another
Example Sentence
  • vicarious atonement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vicarious

We do things for the people "we care". We appreciate things that "we care for".

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sounds like VICEROY who is just governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign.

Vicarious and precarious. It is precarious (unsafe) to use a substitute (vicarious) medicine unless the doctor prescribes it.

very curious person keep asking questions and gains experience through these questions(and answers by other)

Vicarious= Vicky and ricky. Vicky made a goal and Ricky felt a vicarious thrill.

vicar-ious: विकार + ious विकार means any (bodily) abnormality in hindi

why(vi)+ carry(cari)+us(ous).Imagine urself saying to someone else why carry us ...take our substitute with you.

vicarious is like " WHY CARE ELSE?"...the answer is to experience their feelings as ours

VICARIOUS...WE(VI)+CARE+about US and sometime, do each others work, by ACTING AS A SUBSTITUTE.

vicars get *** pleasure by going to watch films about sex

vicarious :vi = brother(in bangla), car i(s) ou(r)s, we use brother car as a substituate.

Vicar is a relegious person, Whatever he do, Whatever he say it is done "indirectly".

telugu: vikaram:uneasy feeling.. i get vicarious feeling when i read ur sufferings

we + carious >>> as my friend passed away, i took care of his parents and tried to be like their son(just acted like a substitute)...


Short Definition : change (esp. from good to bad); change of fortune; CF. the last emperor of China

(noun) a variation in circumstances or fortune at different times in your life or in the development of something
Example Sentence
  • the project was subject to the usual vicissitudes of exploratory research
(noun) mutability in life or nature (especially successive alternation from one condition to another)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vicissitude

some times to face VICISSITUDES OF LIFE one should possess a WISE(good)ATTITUDE ...

vicissitude sounds like ...WISE ATTITUDE...... whenver there is variation in circumstances or fortune at diffrent times of life, only a WISE PERSON WHO POSSES WISE(good)ATTITUDE CAN HANDLE THE SITUATION PROPERLY.....

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vic(ky's) kiss changed veena's fortune.. so it means change of fortune

V.l.CC slimming instiTUTE jaane ke baad uski kismat badal gayee. remember VCC instiTUTE

in small wonder - vicky's attitude is varying, which changes the fortune of jamie from bad to good

vicissitude = viscous attitude,i.e up & down fate which reflets on his attitude or work.

Vicissitude and mood...both are variable (changeable).

Picture a VICE crushing you SISTER : a VICE-SIS

vicissitude - we sit kiss dude(changing good to bad)

the vicissitudes of living on Mississippi River

vicky's arse altitude changes..after frqnt f**k... so it changes

sounds like altitude ,which keeps varying


Short Definition : food; provisions; V. victual: provide with food

(noun) a stock or supply of foods Definition
(noun) a source of materials to nourish the body Definition
(noun) any substance that can be used as food
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for victuals

Sounds like "rituals". Food (victuals) is a major part of any kind of ritual .

VICTUALS are VITAL for survival.

not actual food, substitute of food


Short Definition : contend; compete

(verb) compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others
Synonyms : compete contend
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vie

Pronounce it as 'Why' and observe the gesture i.e; right thumb up asking someone the question ' Why'.. and indeed you show your thumb up whenever you CHALLENGE some person

vie sounds like "SYE", which means the challenge nothing but competing.

it sounds as "why" as competitors think "why would someone else win the game"

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vie comes from "invite" we invite someone to compete

Vie and shy are rhyming words. Vie, is to compete with someone, but, shy is the opposite...you shy away from public (do not come forward).

vie ~ eye ; you always keep an eye on you competitor so that you can COMPETE (VIE) well !

Vie-Wii...Nintendo Wii(Vie) COMPETE with Sony PlayStation...There is goes...Vie-Compete


vie rhymes with pie...imagine a pie-race, who can eat 10 pies

u have a dodge viper(vie) car. what wud u do? u wud compete with other cars!

The two groups were vying* for buying* the land.

vie rhymes with tie. Very competitive matches tie.

"Vie" sounds like "bhai"...politicians to each other greet calling BHAI but behind they COMPETE

when u ask d qsn "Why" d teacher feels challanged / fear of embarrasment in frnt of ur peers

v stands for victory coming after competing

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