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Short Definition : keeping watch (during normal sleeping hours); Ex. all-night vigil

(noun) a period of sleeplessness Definition
(noun) the rite of staying awake for devotional purposes (especially on the eve of a religious festival)
Synonyms : watch
(noun) a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe
Synonyms : watch
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vigil

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Sounds like "whistle". All through the night, watchmen keep a watch by blowing their whistles.

vigil came from VIGILance...watchfullness

Vigil-watchful-to take care.

its difficult to maintain a vigIL when youre ILL


Short Definition : watchful; on the alert; watchfully awake; alert to spot danger; N. vigilance

(adj) carefully observant or attentive; on the lookout for possible danger
Example Sentence
  • a policy of open-eyed awareness
  • the vigilant eye of the town watch
  • there was a watchful dignity in the room
  • a watchful parent with a toddler in tow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vigilant

VI-gi-LAN-t(vilan): vilan in movies are very WATCHFUL and ALERT of heros activities

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vigil (is to watch carefully)+ ant. One who watches carefully.

In IGI game you have to be very vigilant...i.e. keep a careful watch..hope u r a gamer!!

vigilant : hamara dost vigi [vicky] hamare office ke lan ka vigilant karata hai [care karata hai]

In harry potter mad eye moody always says "CONSTANT VIGILANCE"which means watch carefuly

In VIGILANT some part of it sounds like WHISTLE..so think like this who WHISTLES in the night a GURKA or WATCHMAN who doesn't sleep in the night the are wakeful n cautious

v+igi+lan+t—V(we) at IGI airport have to KEENLY ALERT AND WATCHFUL TO DETECT DANGER at LAN(local area network) of airport to protect it from getting hacked by hackers

Vigilant and prudent have the same sounds and meaning - to be on your guard.

An elephANT is very vigilANT when it comes to mice


Short Definition : one who without authority assumes law enforcement powers

(noun) member of a vigilance committee
Synonyms : vigilance man
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vigilante

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Vigilante (on vigil) and surveillance (close observation). Therefore, they have similar sounds and meaning.


Short Definition : small drawing placed at the beginning or end of a chapter; picture; short literary sketch; short written description of a character or scene

(noun) a brief literary description
Synonyms : sketch
(noun) a photograph whose edges shade off gradually Definition
(noun) a small illustrative sketch (as sometimes placed at the beginning of chapters in books)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vignette

Sounds like "vignesha". At the beginning of every pooja, we make a small "vignesh" idol with turmeric. Similarly, there is a "vignette" before every chapter.

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Used a palette in sketching a vignette

MTV roadies vignettes was a program to show l'il bit inside stuff of roadies i.e to give little description


Short Definition : active strength; energy; enthusiasm; ADJ. vigorous

(noun) forceful exertion
Synonyms : energy vigour zip
Example Sentence
  • he plays tennis with great energy
  • he's full of zip
(noun) active strength of body or mind Definition
(noun) an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing)
Example Sentence
  • his writing conveys great energy
  • a remarkable muscularity of style
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vigor

Igor is very enthusiastic

Vigor and rigor are similar in sound and they mean - severity, forcefulness.

prabu is more enthusiasm(vigor) in cigar

people wear "v(W)IG" to hide their worn out,sterile style.


Short Definition : despicable; unpleasant; disgusting; Ex. vile slander

(adj) morally reprehensible
Example Sentence
  • would do something as despicable as murder
  • ugly crimes
  • the vile development of slavery appalled them
  • a slimy little liar
(adj) causing or able to cause nausea
Example Sentence
  • a nauseating smell
  • nauseous offal
  • a sickening stench
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vile

Take the E to the beginning of the word; it becomes evil ! ok

bile (indigestion ) leads to vile (stinky)

Vile and guile are rhyming words and they mean - treacherous, evil.

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vile --> villain


Short Definition : slander; speak evil of; N. vilification

(verb) spread negative information about
Synonyms : rail revile vituperate
Example Sentence
  • The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vilify

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Vilify (to speak ill of) is to make someone out to be a villain

Vilify (to defame someone) is the opposite of glorify (to praise someone highly).

Just assume "vil(villain)+ify " who always slander or speaks evil against hero.

vile + ify = vilify


Short Definition : clear from blame; free from blame or accusation (with supporting proof); exonerate; substantiate; justify or support; avenge; Ex. vindicate one's client; Ex. vindicate one's claim; CF. vindicator

(verb) show to be right by providing justification or proof
Synonyms : justify
Example Sentence
  • vindicate a claim
(verb) maintain, uphold, or defend
Example Sentence
  • vindicate the rights of the citizens
(verb) clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof
Example Sentence
  • You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vindicate

vidicate....split it like vin(WIN) + di(the) + cate(case)....so when you win a case IN a COURT...it means you are freed FROM ACCUSATION AND CHARGES...you are freed from blame.

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take it like WIN THE CASE=VINDICATE;and this means you are happy tht you won the case wn you are clear from blame

basically this word is taken from vindicare means to lay claim ..so you lay claim that you have not done anything....so shd be freed from accusation.

Vindicate and authenticate are rhyming words meaning (prove genuineness, the truth).

win + advocate = vindicate

split as Win + Addicted >>> when someone is win addictive, she/he gives proofs of his innocence anyhow, and finally wins in most cases and gets free from all claims..



Short Definition : disposed to revenge; vengeful; out for revenge; spiteful; intended to cause harm; malicious; Ex. vindictive streak

(adj) disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge
Synonyms : revengeful vengeful
Example Sentence
  • more vindictive than jealous love
  • punishments...essentially vindictive in their nature
(adj) showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite
Synonyms : despiteful spiteful
Example Sentence
  • a despiteful fiend
  • a truly spiteful child
  • a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vindictive

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vindictive=win+addictive obsessed about winning ...so always having ill will against others

vin(win) a person is always wanting to win , if he loses he feels to seek revenge

The vindictive one is likely to start vendetta(that is fight for revenge).

vindicate sounds like indicating to win by taking revenge..


Short Definition : wine merchant; winemaker; seller of wine

(noun) someone who sells wine
Synonyms : wine merchant
(noun) someone who makes wine
Synonyms : wine maker winemaker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vintner

the word is like winter,in winter making and selling of wine will be growing

Read the "vin" (wine) in the beginning of the word.

A VINTNER is also a FARMER because he cultivates grapes.

Winter its cold, so u drink wine to feel warm

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pint - beer vint - wine :)

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