• word of the day


    blackball - Dictionary definition and meaning for word blackball

    (noun) the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto
    Synonyms : barring
    (verb) expel from a community or group
    Synonyms : ban , banish , cast out , ostracise , ostracize , shun
    (verb) vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent
    Synonyms : negative , veto
    Example Sentence
    • The President vetoed the bill
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blackball

if u have black balls...u'll be voted out

ostracize-big s(c)ize ostrich,only seen in africa.

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

black+ball-->(focus on black)black-refers to the dumb system in Africa .white people used to vote against black.

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