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Short Definition : fairness; justice; OP. inequity

(noun) the difference between the market value of a property and the claims held against it Definition
(noun) the ownership interest of shareholders in a corporation Definition
(noun) conformity with rules or standards
Synonyms : fairness
Example Sentence
  • the judge recognized the fairness of my claim


Short Definition : (of words or statements) ambiguous; intentionally misleading; (of behavior) questionable; OP. unequivocal

(adj) open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead
Synonyms : ambiguous
Example Sentence
  • an equivocal statement
  • the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates
  • the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness
  • popularity is an equivocal crown
  • an equivocal response to an embarrassing question
(adj) open to question
Example Sentence
  • aliens of equivocal loyalty
  • his conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son
(adj) uncertain as a sign or indication
Example Sentence
  • the evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for equivocal

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If everyone spoke in an "equal-voice" you wouldn't be able to decipher who was calling.

equally vocal about both the ideas which are contradictory..

It's just talk, it doesn't mean anything: It's EQUAL to VOCAL.

Both party's advocates are equivocal. they always mislead judge.. vocate in advocate relates to vocal

The opposite of equivocal (ambiguous/uncertain) is unequivocal (absolute/certain)


Short Definition : use equivocal language to deceive people; lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth; N. equivocation

(verb) be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for equivocate

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equi(equal) vocal(sound)... if we make similar sounds then it would be ambiguous(unclear) to distinguish!!

equi+vocate sounds like advocate... corrupt advocates LIE, to CONCEAL THE TRUTH which MISLEADS the judge..

equivocate = equi + vocate = equal + voice ~ambiguous

Don't equivocate, say it straight

Equivovate - when someone equally -- agrees(vocate) with two pwople... he is lying

adVOCATE always MISLEAD the judge even though if he is NOT CLEAR about the case...


Short Definition : eat away; wear away gradually by abrasion; Ex. The sea erodes the rocks.

(verb) become ground down or deteriorate
Example Sentence
  • Her confidence eroded
(verb) remove soil or rock
Synonyms : eat away fret
Example Sentence
  • Rain eroded the terraces
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for erode

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Erode~corrode--->eating away.....

iron rod in rain and sun, gets eroded

Eat + corrode.

Erode- rode->ride a horse so its hoof


Short Definition : pertaining to passionate love or sexual love

(noun) an erotic person Definition
(adj) giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing
Synonyms : titillating
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for erotic

who wouldnt like to read erotic novels...........if u know wat i mean ..hahhah

sorry to say


Short Definition : wandering (esp. in search of adventure); straying from proper moral standards; Ex. knight-errant

(adj) straying from the right course or from accepted standards
Example Sentence
  • errant youngsters
(adj) uncontrolled motion that is irregular or unpredictable
Example Sentence
  • an errant breeze
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for errant

Same as Aberrant ..

errant=err(error)+ ant = If there is a error in ant plan they were wandering every where

running errands without a plan, and therefore making errors.

errant : wandering split this word as er + ran + t and assume when u make error [like u broke a monitor in college] then tum ran karate rahogo then u will become errant


Short Definition : odd; irregular in movement or behavior; unpredictable

(adj) liable to sudden unpredictable change
Example Sentence
  • erratic behavior
  • fickle weather
  • mercurial twists of temperament
  • a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next
(adj) having no fixed course
Synonyms : planetary wandering
Example Sentence
  • an erratic comet
  • his life followed a wandering course
  • a planetary vagabond
(adj) likely to perform unpredictably
Synonyms : temperamental
Example Sentence
  • erratic winds are the bane of a sailor
  • a temperamental motor; sometimes it would start and sometimes it wouldn't
  • that beautiful but temperamental instrument the flute
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for erratic

focus on ERR + atic..part of it, and err is nothing but ERROR, and errors always look ODD, AND ARE unpredictable in nature.

sounds much similar to word erotic.....the acts in erotic scenes in movies are quite unpredictable

assmue you buy a new beautiful house ,elegent ,gorgeous kitchen..suddenly out of nowhere u see a rat in the attic ,which would be odd and unpredictable erratic=odd,unpredictable

ERR—error—something that has error is IRREGULAR

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erratic ~ errata -> so many things -> unpredictable which one

ERRATIC: It sounds simlar to "Erection",so whenever ur Penis(Dick)Erects ur mood changes suddenly(High sexual mood lo low mood)......-----

error is not predictable


Short Definition : mistaken; wrong; incorrect

(adj) containing or characterized by error
Example Sentence
  • erroneous conclusions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for erroneous

Sounds like: "Error in us"--> Something that is full of errors and mistakes.

the root err means to wander , so think some one is wandering and he is mistaken for a thief or something else

ERROr+in+urs; wife shouted ERROR IS IN YOU while you take a wrong decision


Short Definition : (of a person or book) learned; full of learning; scholarly; N. erudition

(adj) having or showing profound knowledge
Synonyms : learned
Example Sentence
  • a learned jurist
  • an erudite professor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for erudite

taken from rude+ite...in olden days people who were higly educated were basically very rude...as they were having profound knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterates people.

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e+RUD(RUDE)+IT+e....now just concentrate on RUDE IT....NOW THINK OF rude IT PROFESSIONAL WHO IS BASICALLY CONSIDERED AS A LEARNED man..or scholarly.

R U DEITY? Are you a deity; deities are gods and know it all.

erudite has Latin root: eruditus = e + rudis = e + rude(untrained) After training ruder, he becomes an erudite person

ER (Engineer)-U-di(did)-IT(it)-E ..... you have gr8 knowledge if u becum an engineer.

the letters in the word are E-R-U-D-I-T-E...pull out the letters E-D-U EDU is short for education. Being educated= scholastic, learned and wise.

Focus on ERU ... sounds like Hero... heroes usually show profundity in movies

[a+rude+elite]= elits are rude, cos they have erudite skills

HERO+DITE- ppl eating HERO DITE are erudite

sounds like rite... right only a person having profound knowledge knows what is right

there is a CAT preparation institution called ERUDITE

Think of a person called Dite. He's very well educated, so you listen to him carefully, and you encourage him to speak: "I hear you, Dite!"

When you are right, people think you're erudite.

Ex-Rude. You are no longer rude which means belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness. You are now educated and instructed.


Short Definition : prank; flighty conduct; reckless adventure that disobeys rules

(noun) a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful) Definition
(noun) any carefree episode
Synonyms : lark
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for escapade

You cannot ESCAP(ad)E from the police by giving PRANK calls.

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Remember it with the movie Harold and Kumar they had the wildest escapade searching for white castle

escap(E)+ade....you always try to escape from any kind of wild prank or fighty conduct................. an escapade:..........

The Exciting Escapades of Mr. Bean (1990) (V)

Escapade=Escape + Parade :- It would certainly be a risky or adventerous for a police man to escape when parade is going on.

let's say it as - is ka ped iss(es) ka(ca) ped(pade... gaaon mein ped ke niche baith ke gaon walon ko jhoothi baatein bolkar pranks khel raha tha...

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