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    inept - Dictionary definition and meaning for word inept

    (adj) not elegant or graceful in expression
    Example Sentence
    • an awkward prose style
    • a clumsy apology
    • his cumbersome writing style
    • if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?
    (adj) generally incompetent and ineffectual
    Synonyms : feckless
    Example Sentence
    • feckless attempts to repair the plumbing
    • inept handling of the account
    (adj) revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse
    Synonyms : tactless
    Example Sentence
    • an inept remark
    • it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inept

IN (not) + EPT (like apt ; which means suitable) = not suitable

In(not)+APE+TEA.............so ape(monkey)+doesn't have skill to drink tea so he is unskilled

opposite to adept ( means very expert and skillful) and inept is the opposite

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in(no) + ept (aptitude) to learn Barrons means you are not SKILLED.

I don’t have an aptitude to memorise complete GRE Barron’s word list, so sometimes my friends called me inept guy. (In + Apt)

adept means expert at...inept means not expert at i.e lacking skill

inept = i + ne + pt; ne always means north east where ppls are always clumsy.

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