• word of the day


    avarice - Dictionary definition and meaning for word avarice

    (noun) reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)
    Synonyms : avaritia , covetousness , greed , rapacity
    (noun) extreme greed for material wealth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avarice

avarice- a + very + rich > a strong greed to be 'a very rich' person.

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a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a greedy member of a family who kills the patriarch for his wealth...so that he can become the family's waris.

AVA+RICE..here A is coming 2 TIMES....means a person who wants RICE 2 times has GREED.....

a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a family where a greedy member of family kills the patriarch to obtain his wealth...so that he can become a waris of family's wealth

A VAsmati RICE.dnt greed for a meal of VAsmati RICE.have normal rice

Focus on Rice Part and relate to it the business man who stocks rice for more profit and thus become avarice

avarice=(ava+rice)if its limited rice then everyone are greedy in sharing rice..

remember "yava" (greed)in Telugu "rice". yavarice means greed

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