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Short Definition : work together; cooperate treasonably with the enemy

(verb) work together on a common enterprise of project
Example Sentence
  • The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well
  • We joined forces with another research group
(verb) cooperate as a traitor
Example Sentence
  • he collaborated with the Nazis when they occupied Paris
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for collaborate

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co(together)labor(worker)so collaborate ==>work together


Short Definition : work of art put together from fragments

(noun) a paste-up made by sticking together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image
Synonyms : montage
Example Sentence
  • he used his computer to make a collage of pictures superimposed on a map
(noun) any collection of diverse things
Example Sentence
  • a collage of memories
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for collage

collage -- college, it is a place where different mentalities/cultures of different individuals mix together...

It relates to diversificaion. So In foriegn countries, At colleges you find race diversity.


Short Definition : examine and compare in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order (the sheets of a book before they are bound)

(verb) compare critically; of texts Definition
(verb) to assemble in proper sequence
Example Sentence
  • collate the papers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for collate

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corelate = for corelating, we first arrange it in order and then make critical comparisons.

co-relate, thats comparing 2 things

coll(college) ate(gate )... so at every college gate the security guard checks for identity card and verifies if they are from the college or not !!

COLL-ect + rel-ATE - collect some documents and relate to each other

remember the Collate function in microsoft word in the printing option? It asks to collate the pages before printing...

collate- resembles,collect..u can examine and compare if u have more than one item..and to have more than one item,u have to collect them.,..

COLLATE also means collect and combine (texts, information, or data)..hence COLLATE=COLLECT.....when we collate lots of data we do COMPARISON and ANALYSIS......

Collate = (College+Late) : You get late for college by examining comaring and arranging your books


Short Definition : security given for loan; ADJ: secondary; descended from the same person but through different sons or daughters

(noun) a security pledged for the repayment of a loan Definition
(adj) descended from a common ancestor but through different lines
Synonyms : indirect
Example Sentence
  • cousins are collateral relatives
  • an indirect descendant of the Stuarts
(adj) serving to support or corroborate
Example Sentence
  • collateral evidence
(adj) accompany, concomitant
Example Sentence
  • collateral target damage from a bombing run
(adj) situated or running side by side
Example Sentence
  • collateral ridges of mountains
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for collateral

When you give a loan to someone and he doesnot return the money what will you do??? You'll call him repeatedly but he will say "CALL LATER". To avoid this scene, you will take some kind of security such as property, jewellery...

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REMEMBER THE MOVIE COLLATERAL DAMAGE... damages are caused if security is not proper.... so easily remember.. its security given for loan...

colateral - a house or a jewel is lateral to the loan and hence a co-lateral. If you are late in paying loans, then you have to pay with the co-late-ral


Short Definition : a light meal; collating

(noun) a light informal meal
Synonyms : bite snack
(noun) assembling in proper numerical or logical sequence Definition
(noun) careful examination and comparison to note points of disagreement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for collation

col(collage)+late+on -->if u r late for coll u can have only a light meal :)

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Collation is a light meal,often offered to guests when there is insufficient time for fuller entertainment. It is often rendered cold collation in reference to the usual lack of hot or cooked food. COLD FOOD AT OCCASION= COLLATION

If I don't have time to eat have COLA instead - that would be light.Cola+Tiffin=Collation.

think of it as CALL-AT-ON...ur girlfriend call u for a light meal at her home..

split as cold + nation >> in cold nations(where the temperature is usually low), we get only fried chicken or salads for meals, which is a kind of light meal for we indians...


Short Definition : composed; calm; self-possessed

(adj) brought together in one place
Synonyms : gathered
Example Sentence
  • the collected works of Milton
  • the gathered folds of the skirt
(adj) in full control of your faculties
Example Sentence
  • the witness remained collected throughout the cross-examination
  • perfectly poised and sure of himself
  • more self-contained and more dependable than many of the early frontiersmen
  • strong and self-possessed in the face of trouble


Short Definition : pertaining to conversational or common speech; informal; N. colloquialism: colloquial expression

(adj) characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation
Synonyms : conversational
Example Sentence
  • wrote her letters in a colloquial style
  • the broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for colloquial

colloquial - can be read as Coll - local so we use local language(informal) language in our college..

It contains the root LOQ which means it is related to speech

LOCAL language conversation,( a conversation in local language say Gujarati is informal) Where as ENGLISH is formal language for business etc


Short Definition : informal discussion; conversation

(noun) a conversation especially a formal one Definition
(noun) formal conversation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for colloquy

call a guy.. conversation on phone

sounds like colloquium - an educational meeting where a formal conversations takes place.

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call+lucky... if u call lucky ur friend you will have an informal discussion

elocution- for both colloqual and colloquy -means pertaining to speech or conversation

CALL ALL TREES for a high level meeting.

colloquy = col + loquy;coal + loquy (talk); talk like coal i.e black ype talk i.e bad mannered talk.


Short Definition : conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others; V. collude

(noun) secret agreement Definition
(noun) agreement on a secret plot
Synonyms : connivance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for collusion

people who involve in collusion, try to create an Illusion that everything is fine

You can just see some Illusions of a collusion.

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ollu- resembles ullu(owl) ,,ullu banaya..vo fraud nikala..

collusion: sounds like कालू-योजन(आ) means some evil plans

co-illusion illusion created by a secret agreement among the group of people

collision of ppl wid "kala vision" or bad prpos...so conspiracy...

You might make an allusion about a collusion, but you wouldn't talk about it openly

conclusion of collusion

See as COL. see an illusion of Agreement b/w two countries...

Etymology: from Old French collusion; from Latin collusionem, "act of colluding"; from colludere, from com-, "together" + ludere, "to play"; from ludus "game".

Terrorist having a Collusion about an Explosion

(sounds like illusion): That they have secret agreement, it was his illusion.

relate with Collision of alpha n beta particles in radioactive element experiments.. such experiments are done under secret


Short Definition : huge

(adj) so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe
Synonyms : prodigious stupendous
Example Sentence
  • colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple
  • has a colossal nerve
  • a prodigious storm
  • a stupendous field of grass
  • stupendous demand
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for colossal

remember the colosseum - one of the seven wonders of the world, which was a huge theatre in the olden days

Its huge loss

collision refers to bombardment of two massive objects with force,so remember collision wih colossal

COLOUR+LOSS....loss of hair colour or colour of skin(vitilgo) is a huge loss

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