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Short Definition : underlying character of a culture, group, etc.; character or ideas peculiar to a specific person, group, or culture; Ex. the company ethos

(noun) (anthropology) the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era
Example Sentence
  • the Greek ethos
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ethos


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ethos sounds like athos~ athos reminds me of slumdog millionaire, a movie which definately depicted the disposition of indian society

indians have very THOS(tough to follow) ETHOS

Ethos = enter the operating system, the password or the thing required to enter the operating system.


Short Definition : study of word parts; study of the origins of words

(noun) a history of a word Definition
(noun) the study of the sources and development of words


Short Definition : pertaining to the improvement of race; N. eugenics: study of hereditary improvement of the human race

(adj) pertaining to or causing improvement in the offspring produced
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eu+genic...trying to improve your genes which imply heriditary which imply race

eugenic--> 'eu'(good as in euthanasia)+ 'genic' (pertaining to genes)hence when u pass good genes it helps in improvement of race!!!

Bharath sarkar ne ye "eugena" banaya for improvement of race.. "eugenic"

EU = European Union, gene = genetic. The genes of EU people are superior (good looks etc.). Therefore, eugenics = study to make race superior.



Short Definition : praising; full of eulogy

(adj) formally expressing praise
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If you have the "logic" or a logical reasoning, then everyone will surely PRAISE you.

Praising of LOGITECH JOYSTICS ,keyboard , mouse is done by every person..

EU: Europian L>>>Logistic so becomes praise europian logistic business(atleast better then China)


Short Definition : expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death; V. eulogize

(noun) a formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently
Synonyms : eulogium
(noun) a formal expression of praise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eulogy

eulogy = eu-'good' + log 'root: logue [dialogue, talk, speech]' => Good speech

eulogy = Euler + geometry; Euler was very good at geometry; so we praise him, give him a EULOGY

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story:my friend on seeing a dead body "eeeuuuu" and i gave a whole speech on honouring the dead so thats how the word eulogy came into existence....;)

Eu-logy sounds like (U-R-GREAT-GEE ) After person gave this life in War for his country ,His friend expresses this honour by crying ( formal expression of praise)

EU(English Usage like we have in cat)+Logic....your teacher is praising you that your English usage logic awesome man!!!!!

sounds 'ur logic' >>> some one praises about your logic.. thts eulogy

When I eulo-gize I am humb-le-ized, like I am in-front-of-God

EU (European Union)+ logy (study)==> If someone study about EU,he'll be praised formally :)


Short Definition : mild expression in place of an unpleasant one; ADJ. euphemistic

(noun) an inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for euphemism

Assuming: females are milder than males as they are more emotionally inclined. It reads like E(xpress) U(yourself) Phemism(like feminism).

you+feminisn(sounds like) girls try to avoid certain words and circumlocate... so if u practise euphemism, you act like a female

eu- <> dys- (good) <> (bad) -phemi ~ phone ~ sound => euphemism ~ make good speech instead of bad one

eu ‘well’ + phēmē ‘speaking.’

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eu(r u?)+phemism(feminist) instead of saying " r u feminist" we can say " r u in favor of women rights?" because the first one seems hursh and rude :)

Euphemism = e + u + ph + emission; your phone emission i.e sound is sweet.


Short Definition : sweet sound; ADJ. euphonious

(noun) any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds
Synonyms : music
Example Sentence
  • he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for euphony

Sounds like SYMPHONY. Music is sweet sounding.

eu refers to be good and phony refers to sound.....so good sound !

Cacophony is apposite of Euphony....

EUPHOria is a band which has PLEASANT SOUND

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when you come on phone, telephony sounds real sweet


Short Definition : feeling of exaggerated or unfounded(ungrounded; baseless) well-being; feeling of great happiness or well-being (when unreasonable); ADJ. euphoriaric

(noun) a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation
Synonyms : euphory
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for euphoria

relate it to an album released by the Euphoria band....in which most of the songs give a message to live happily.

if U(eu) live FOR(phori) others (like mother teresa)...that's the best way to live...and u'll always be happy...!!!

can b remembered as : euphoria is the name of the fest in vasavi college so v l b in highly elated n in high spirits at dat point f time so euphoria means to "B ELATED"

Remember PALASH SEN'S music band EUPHORIA whose music made us feel HAPPY

you live for ... me extremely happy.. and also exaggerated


Short Definition : mercy killing

(noun) the act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness)
Synonyms : mercy killing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for euthanasia

"youth in asia" nowadays agree with mercy killing.

euthanasia = Use Excessive Anesthasia. Using excessive anesthasia would result in killing


Short Definition : fleeting; vanishing; soon disappearing; V. evanesce

(adj) tending to vanish like vapor
Example Sentence
  • evanescent beauty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for evanescent

Remember it as "I want scent. Scent evaporates like vapour.

Vanishing Scent

e-vanescent.. vanescent sounds like vanishing.. hence..

EVADE+SCENT....evading scent....

Even most persistent sent last only for a little time and then evaporates.

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Evaporated scent;just like its vapors,disappearing from sight and memory

Evaporate as Scent


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