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Short Definition : path of the sun and the planets

(noun) the great circle representing the apparent annual path of the sun; the plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun; makes an angle of about 23 degrees with the equator
Example Sentence
  • all of the planets rotate the sun in approximately the same ecliptic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ecliptic

ecleptic remember eclipse


Short Definition : person concerned with the interrelationship between living organisms and their environment; person concerned with the detrimental effects of human civilization on the environment; CF. ecology

(noun) a biologist who studies the relation between organisms and their environment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ecologist

eco(means enviroment and organism) + logy(means study)...so someone who studies about the enviroment, organisms and their relation is an ecologist.


Short Definition : efficiency or conciseness in using something; thrifty management of resources

(noun) the system of production and distribution and consumption
Synonyms : economic system
(noun) the efficient use of resources
Example Sentence
  • economy of effort
(noun) frugality in the expenditure of money or resources
Synonyms : thriftiness
Example Sentence
  • the Scots are famous for their economy
(noun) an act of economizing; reduction in cost
Synonyms : saving
Example Sentence
  • it was a small economy to walk to work every day
  • there was a saving of 50 cents


Short Definition : ecological community together with its environment

(noun) a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ecosystem

eco(means enviroment and organism and their relation) + system...(means the way they live....so a system in which a all organisms live is an ecosystem.


Short Definition : rapture; very strong feeling of joy and happiness; any overpowering emotion; ADJ. ecstatic: causing or experiencing ecstasy

(noun) a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
Example Sentence
  • listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture
(noun) a state of elated bliss
Synonyms : rapture
(noun) street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ecstasy

ec+STACY..remember "stacy's mom"..:P

ecs=x,tasy="daisy" panties ...wen u see a gal's panty u show excitement oru get raptured. sorry for any coarse language used here...

Ecs . . . Tcs- when we get job in Tcs we will take it easy (tasy). . . So we will be very happy . .

ecs >> ass ; tasy >> tasera (Nepali) or taske (Hindi). so when you have your ass tasy then you are entertained. :-)

lets head to the meaning ,rap-ture..people rap,wen they are in a very strong feeling of joy and happiness.

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ecstasy could be relate to "ek taste" so the taste that givr us joy

ecstasy could be relate to "ek taste" so the taste that givr us joy

~ tcs ~ when we get job in TCS- we get feeling of joy

Teri to me ESI TESI karta hu...I am happy and overpowered with emotions

ecs + tasy means Aisi ki Taisi to jab hum problems ki aisi ki taisi kar dete hain to hum extremely happy ho jate hain


Short Definition : swirling current of water, air, etc.; V.

(noun) founder of Christian Science in 1866 (1821-1910) Definition
(noun) a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself
Synonyms : twist
(verb) flow in a circular current, of liquids
Synonyms : purl swirl whirl whirlpool
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eddy

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if you can rememeber the term "Eddy current", where the current flows .

Whirlpool machine has strong eddy, that is why it gives tidy clothes


Short Definition : decree (especially one issued by a sovereign); official command

(noun) a formal or authoritative proclamation Definition
(noun) a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)
Synonyms : decree fiat order rescript
Example Sentence
  • a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for edict

dict means commanding or dictating; ( dictator)


Short Definition : building (of imposing size)

(noun) a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place
Synonyms : building
Example Sentence
  • there was a three-story building on the corner
  • it was an imposing edifice
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for edifice

edifice sounds like HEAD+OFFICE means (big size building)

Take edifice from the word, remember office: which is a huge building and stays der once its constructed

ED(edison)+OFFICIE.....Edison was a great scientist so his office must be very large

we would always wish to add an office in an edifice ! :)

adidas(edi) office(fice)- a large imposing building.


Short Definition : instruct; correct morally

(verb) make understand
Synonyms : enlighten
Example Sentence
  • Can you enlighten me--I don't understand this proposal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for edify

edify -> edit + y; you edit some thing to improve it

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edify sounds close to "rectify" which means to correct..

edify can b understand as SIMPLIFY things to make them understand better

EDISON was a great scientist...In order to improve people we have to tell them about EDISON and edify them....

To edit a defy(defiance) ~ to correct morally

Edify:Concentrate on first 2 letters of d word, Ed as in B.Ed(Bachelor of education) means to Educate or Enlighten or to make understand.

sounds like modify ....so edify = modification of moral value

eddify means to make a fool in telugu...(remove a d)its the opposite in english

edify- edit the sex scene in the movie cuz its morally not correct

An educational edifice edifies i.e. instructs

To add to your knowledge


Short Definition : weird; causing fear because strange

(adj) suggestive of the supernatural; mysterious
Example Sentence
  • an eerie feeling of deja vu
(adj) inspiring a feeling of fear; strange and frightening
Synonyms : eery
Example Sentence
  • an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the woods
  • an eerie midnight howl
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eerie

EERIE is something SCARY.

Sing a song : eelie re eelie (sounds similar to eerie) kya hai paheli??—meaning strange

eerie EEE in five letter word is something strange

eerie can b understand as a person ERIC who is frightening nd fearful

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