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Short Definition : gain for the performance of service or labor; gain (something that one deserves); deserve

(verb) earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages
Example Sentence
  • How much do you make a month in your new job?
  • She earns a lot in her new job
  • this merger brought in lots of money
  • He clears $5,000 each month
(verb) acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions
Synonyms : garner


Short Definition : of this earth; terrestrial; worldly; not divine; possible; Ex. no earthly reason

(adj) of or belonging to or characteristic of this earth as distinguished from heaven
Example Sentence
  • earthly beings
  • believed that our earthly life is all that matters
  • earthly love
  • our earthly home
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for earthly

Earthy refers to somewhat down, relating to earth


Short Definition : unrefined; coarse; of earth; Ex. earthy remarks; OP. ethereal

(adj) conspicuously and tastelessly indecent
Synonyms : crude gross vulgar
Example Sentence
  • coarse language
  • a crude joke
  • crude behavior
  • an earthy sense of humor
  • a revoltingly gross expletive
  • a vulgar gesture
  • full of language so vulgar it should have been edited
(adj) not far removed from or suggestive of nature
Example Sentence
  • the earthy taste of warm milk fresh from the cow
  • earthy smells of new-mown grass
(adj) hearty and lusty
Example Sentence
  • an earthy enjoyment of life
(adj) of or consisting of or resembling earth
Example Sentence
  • it had an earthy smell
  • only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean
(adj) sensible and practical
Synonyms : down-to-earth
Example Sentence
  • has a straightforward down-to-earth approach to a problem
  • her earthy common sense
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for earthy

on earth there are many stones and all so coarse or not refined

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Earthy also means down to earth, so that which is earthy is down to earth;hence "Not far removed from or suggestive of nature " hence, close to nature

Mallika is the only actress on this earth who can do earthy talks


Short Definition : (of the tide) recede; lessen; diminish; N. OP. flow: rise of tide

(noun) a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)
Synonyms : ebbing wane
(noun) the outward flow of the tide
Synonyms : reflux
(verb) flow back or recede
Example Sentence
  • the tides ebbed at noon
(verb) hem in fish with stakes and nets so as to prevent them from going back into the sea with the ebb Definition
(verb) fall away or decline
Example Sentence
  • The patient's strength ebbed away
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ebb

Relate it to egg ;; now-a-days because of bird flu the quantity of eggs coming to the market is reduced.

Ebbbbbb.... is reduced to Ebb.

ebb in urdu means bad habit. we should diminish our bad habits

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if ucan remembe the word hebbu(kannada), when the milk is boiled ,u get that on the top..so do relate it with it. ebb(ebbu) is used to lessen or make pimpils diminish..


Short Definition : showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm; boiling; N. ebullience; N. ebullition: state of boiling

(adj) joyously unrestrained
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ebullient

Your dad purchasing you a new 'Enfield Bullet' so you shpw ur 'Excitement' -> ebullient! :D

If u can think this word in a good sense, "bulli" is always showing exitement or overflows with enthu ,wen a hot gal passes

it is close to jubilation...which is excitment

when water boils, it seems as if it is showing great enthu or excitement thus being ebbulient

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A bull is violent(excited).

guys.. think of "BULL" in eBULLient.. it is always excited n raring to go

Red Bull

ebullient="e+bullet"so u r the don and now u have new e-bullet so obiviously u r so hppy with this

In bullfight my bull won the medal and hence I am ebullient today

wen we get over-excited over any issue we generally get into argument wid some1 or even bully with them.so 'bulli(y)'

"bull" is always ready to hit you.so it is high-spirited & exited.

A strong bull is always excited to hit the humans..i.e showing his lot of excitement

E_bull_ant, BULL seems enthusiastic when an ANT goes in to the ears


Short Definition : irregular; odd; unconventional; whimsical; bizarre; not concentric

(noun) a person with an unusual or odd personality Definition
(noun) a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)
Synonyms : case character type
Example Sentence
  • a real character
  • a strange character
  • a friendly eccentric
  • the capable type
  • a mental case
(adj) conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
Example Sentence
  • restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit
  • famed for his eccentric spelling
  • a freakish combination of styles
  • his off-the-wall antics
  • the outlandish clothes of teenagers
  • outre and affected stage antics
(adj) not having a common center; not concentric
Synonyms : nonconcentric
Example Sentence
  • eccentric circles
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eccentric

ec(x)-centric(normal): going away from the center that is departing from the norms

eccentric- resembles x-centric..assume x centric as before centric,like x-wife. anything b4 centric is x centric,and b4 centric ,it is irregular and odd in shape.

eccentric- ex-center>> It's ODD to see your ex being the center of attraction among your pals.

ec(ex) center .. its odd/irregular to see an ex(or one more) center for circle..

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eccentric:One(EC) cent rick from rice centre is called eccentric.


Short Definition : oddity; idiosyncrasy

(noun) strange and unconventional behavior Definition
(noun) (geometry) a ratio describing the shape of a conic section; the ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the major axis
Example Sentence
  • a circle is an ellipse with zero eccentricity
(noun) a circularity that has a different center or deviates from a circular path
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eccentricity

eccentricity--focus on the word ec+CENTRIC+ity--focus the word CENTRIC ..a person who is very self centric we find his behavior very unconventional and strange.

accent+ city.....a city of people having different accents will be strange or odd....

ec+centric. Prefixes ec- ,ex- ,e- means away from; out of ; outside. So eccentric means away from centre.


Short Definition : ecclesiastical; pertaining to the church; N: minister; priest; cleric; clergyman

(noun) a clergyman or other person in religious orders
Synonyms : churchman cleric divine
(adj) of or associated with a church (especially a Christian Church)
Synonyms : ecclesiastical
Example Sentence
  • ecclesiastic history
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ecclesiastic

(ecclesiastic = eccles + iastic) eccles sounds like 'EGG-LESS' and priests generally don't eat eggs.

assume the word eccles as x-les.so people who dont have(less) " X"(girlfrnds,wives.etc), are generally priests in west...lol...

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eccles = sex less.. priests are forbidden from having sex. (No offense meant)

think it as eclairs +ealstic--- we get ecliars at church -- @ khrismas


Short Definition : selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources; selecting individual elements from a variety of sources; N. eclecticism

(noun) someone who selects according to the eclectic method
Synonyms : eclecticist
(adj) selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eclectic

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eclectic or elect means, chosing the best from many sources which is the meaning of the word eclectic

nowadays even after the elections the governments formed are generally eclectic.composed of many parties

sounds like election, and in election only the best candidated are chosen !!


ECLECTIC: EC(ek) LAC TICket.... EKk lakh ticket me se sirf ek hi ticket select hogi...... to is tarah best ticket ka selection ho jayega.....

eclectic sounds like election; during election time - only SELECTIVE candidates can compete.

eclairs-a chocolate which s made by collecting various elements

Eclectic-Elect choosing the best party from a group of parties {parties = related to politician}

eclectic one election , choosen from many ones.

selection of ideas, knowledge, information....not physical things That stuident is filled with eclectic ideas

Eclectic = prepare one lecture from many sources so give it tick.


Short Definition : darken; extinguish; outshine; surpass; cause an eclipse

(noun) one celestial body obscures another
Synonyms : occultation
(verb) be greater in significance than
Synonyms : dominate overshadow
Example Sentence
  • the tragedy overshadowed the couple's happiness
(verb) cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention
Synonyms : occult
Example Sentence
  • The Sun eclipses the moon today
  • Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for eclipse

during the total solar eclipse one heavenly body covers another heavenly body making the other one barely visible

eclipse: e (this) clip se(see); See this clip so dark cannot understand anything.

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