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Short Definition : clearly different; clearly noticed

(adj) (often followed by `from') not alike; different in nature or quality
Synonyms : distinguishable
Example Sentence
  • plants of several distinct types
  • the word `nationalism' is used in at least two distinct senses
  • gold is distinct from iron
  • a tree related to but quite distinct from the European beech
  • management had interests quite distinct from those of their employees
(adj) easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined
Example Sentence
  • a distinct flavor
  • a distinct odor of turpentine
  • a distinct outline
  • the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette
  • distinct fingerprints
(adj) constituting a separate entity or part
Synonyms : discrete
Example Sentence
  • a government with three discrete divisions
  • on two distinct occasions
(adj) recognizable; marked
Synonyms : decided
Example Sentence
  • noticed a distinct improvement
  • at a distinct (or decided) disadvantage
(adj) clearly or sharply defined to the mind
Synonyms : clear-cut trenchant
Example Sentence
  • clear-cut evidence of tampering
  • Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest
  • trenchant distinctions between right and wrong
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distinct

distinct species..species,that can u cleary identified or seperated.


Short Definition : honor; excellence; difference; contrast; discrimination; Ex. graduated with distinction; Ex. a writer of real distinction

(noun) a discrimination between things as different and distinct
Synonyms : differentiation
Example Sentence
  • it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation
(noun) high status importance owing to marked superiority
Example Sentence
  • a scholar of great eminence
(noun) a distinguishing quality
Example Sentence
  • it has the distinction of being the cheapest restaurant in town
(noun) a distinguishing difference
Example Sentence
  • he learned the distinction between gold and lead


Short Definition : clearly different from others of the same kind

(adj) of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing
Synonyms : typical
Example Sentence
  • Jerusalem has a distinctive Middle East flavor
  • that is typical of you!
(adj) capable of being classified
Synonyms : classifiable


Short Definition : twist out of shape; give a false account of; misrepresent; N. distortion

(verb) make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story
Synonyms : falsify garble warp
(verb) form into a spiral shape
Synonyms : twine twist
Example Sentence
  • The cord is all twisted
(verb) twist and press out of shape
Synonyms : contort deform wring
(verb) affect as in thought or feeling
Synonyms : color colour tinge
Example Sentence
  • My personal feelings color my judgment in this case
  • The sadness tinged his life
(verb) alter the shape of (something) by stress
Synonyms : deform strain
Example Sentence
  • His body was deformed by leprosy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distort

the root word here is tort( turn..), hence we can derive words like: dis + tort- disfigure, Con + tort - twist one's face...

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dis + tort. 'tort' is from 'torque' which means 'twist'. So twisting changes the shape.

ifu can remember the word distortion, that brings to the meaning twist..


Short Definition : take (one's attention) off something; upset emotionally; make anxious; ADJ. distracted

(verb) draw someone's attention away from something
Synonyms : deflect
Example Sentence
  • The thief distracted the bystanders
  • He deflected his competitors
(verb) disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
Example Sentence
  • She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distract


Short Definition : absentminded; distracted

(adj) having the attention diverted especially because of anxiety
Synonyms : distracted
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distrait

distrait:not straiGht.. someone who is not straightthinking is distracted and hence ABSSENT MINDED .

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the TRAIT of DIStraction

distrait - sounds like distracted - someone who is distracted by everything is absentminded in main task

dis-trait= dis=traitor and traitor are absent minded, distracted people..

DIS + TAIT.....australian cricketer shaun tait had to retire because he was absentminded these days after loosing the worldcup

sounds dis + straight >>> one who does not luk straight and is distracted from him main aim.


Short Definition : upset; distracted by anxiety; very anxious and troubled almost to the point of madness; Ex. distraught with grief/worry

(adj) deeply agitated especially from emotion
Synonyms : overwrought
Example Sentence
  • distraught with grief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for distraught

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This year because of drought people were upset and anxious

its like...dis(not)+traught(thought)....so he did "not thought" of his failure in exam....so he is upset

distraught spells like past tense of distrait(not looking straight ie, not attentive).

distorted signal on tv makes us upset and anxious

DIS(T) dRAUGHT is making leaders very anxious and troubled almost to the point of madness;


Short Definition : daily; occurring during the daytime

(adj) of or belonging to or active during the day
Example Sentence
  • diurnal animals are active during the day
  • diurnal flowers are open during the day and closed at night
  • diurnal and nocturnal offices
(adj) having a daily cycle or occurring every day
Example Sentence
  • diurnal rotation of the heavens
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diurnal

u have to visit the urinal everyday!!

DIA jalana AUR NAL chalana roj ke kam hai

Nocturnal means active in the Night and Diurnal means active in Day

Diary+journal= diurnal to record the events of your day.


Short Definition : operatic singer; prima donna

(noun) a distinguished female operatic singer; a female operatic star
Synonyms : prima donna
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diva

Divya bharti the singer

prima donna = pri - MADONNA the ultimate pop diva


Short Definition : vary; go in different directions from the same point; ADJ. divergent: differing; deviating

(verb) move or draw apart
Example Sentence
  • The two paths diverge here
(verb) have no limits as a mathematical series Definition
(verb) extend in a different direction
Example Sentence
  • The lines start to diverge here
  • Their interests diverged
(verb) be at variance with; be out of line with
Synonyms : depart deviate vary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diverge

The Driver DIVER(GE)TED into different directions

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