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Short Definition : amuse; Ex. disport oneself; CF. divert

(verb) occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion
Synonyms : amuse divert
Example Sentence
  • The play amused the ladies
(verb) play boisterously
Example Sentence
  • The children frolicked in the garden
  • the gamboling lambs in the meadows
  • The toddlers romped in the playroom
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disport

diSPORT - you play/watch sports for your amusement.

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Disp-o-rt : to display-own-art display-SPORT to amuse others

disport = di ( double) + sport; ppl r playing sports with double enjoyment i.e. making noise.


Short Definition : lack of proportion (between the parts); ADJ. disproportionate

(noun) lack of proportion; imbalance among the parts of something
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disproportion

DIS + PROPORTION (in shape)...therefore something that is not in shape or proportion.


Short Definition : argumentative; fond of argument

(adj) inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits
Example Sentence
  • a style described as abrasive and contentious
  • a disputatious lawyer
  • a litigious and acrimonious spirit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disputatious

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If you cut the word into two halves, the first part will be disput, which sounds like dispute and means, a fight. A fight generally starts with an argument...

disputatious means some topic is disputable.. ie. a dispute can emerge from it..


Short Definition : uneasiness; anxiety; V. disquiet: make anxious

(noun) feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disquietude

disquietude = dis + quiet + attitude.. Quiet therefore uneasy and worried about something.

Disquiet = D + is + quiet. If a baby 'is quiet' just after birth in spite of crying, it will make the doctors tense/anxious.

You are Quietly looking at someone and making him/her uneasy



Short Definition : formal systematic inquiry; explanation of the results of a formal inquiry; long formal speech or written report

(noun) an elaborate analytical or explanatory essay or discussion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disquisition

its like dis +quisition(means question)......when someone questions u.......u need to give explanations...EX:-enquiry...

DIScuss & Quiz (inquire) = Elaborate explanation/inquiry.

disquisition sounds like This acquisition When someone acquires something very expensive,the taxmen disquisite the owner

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opposite of question is answer, opposite of inquisition(question in depth) is disquisition(answer in depth)

Disquisition is the same as inquisition but in a less severe form.

This(dis) question(qui) needs disquisition

Dis(this) + quis(quiz) >> ask formal questions.... inquiry..

disquisition = dis (not) + quisition ( quiet) = not keeping silent going to elaborate the thing.

This Inquisition brought about following results...(Results of a formal inquiry)


Short Definition : analysis; cutting apart in order to examine

(noun) cutting so as to separate into pieces Definition
(noun) a minute and critical analysis Definition
(noun) detailed critical analysis or examination one part at a time (as of a literary work)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dissection

dis(away) + section = dissection, ie, moving sections apart and analyzing.

I want to analyse (Dis)this section.


Short Definition : disguise; hide the real nature of; pretend

(verb) make believe with the intent to deceive
Synonyms : affect feign pretend sham
Example Sentence
  • He feigned that he was ill
  • He shammed a headache
(verb) hide under a false appearance
Synonyms : cloak mask
Example Sentence
  • He masked his disappointment
(verb) behave unnaturally or affectedly
Synonyms : act pretend
Example Sentence
  • She's just acting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dissemble

The word sounds like "resemble"...the person/ a thing of tat type can be in disguise...

seems like "dis assemble"(break) you broke the favourite pot of mom n den tried to "conceal" ur mistake...or pretending

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DIS+ASSEMBLE....assemble means to bring parts together like we do in computers...now you have got a computer having secret information in it...hence to hide your motives, you will dissemble your computer....

Dis sem bale bale ho gayi..:P hence i have disguise to my parents

dessemble = not resemble i.e disguise

read as this-resemble. When one thing resembles other, it can disguise viewer for it.

semble stands for the appearance of a person.. dis+semble== relate it with false appearance.hence DISSEMBLE is disguise, pretend

dissemble sounds like ressemble...so its like dis two twins who ressemble same can DISSEMBLE us..

She smiled at her boss, but thought, "Dis some bull (sh*t)"

Dissemble = Disguise

Sounds like resemble and resembling things can disguise

Do not resemble your true feelings

Dis(not)+semble(image): real image/nature is hidden

 When an army was assembling for war, the mother dissembled her son in her home


Short Definition : distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds)

(verb) cause to become widely known
Example Sentence
  • spread information
  • circulate a rumor
  • broadcast the news
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disseminate

dis + seminate seminate could be taken as seminar, so for a seminar people gather at a place. Hence disseminar could be understood as the scattering of people.

Dis+seminate -Think of seminate as "semen". You use your semen to spread and disperse your genes to many random woman, especially when intoxicated

dis+sem+i+n+ate: dis sem(semister) i not ate coz i distributed all my food to poor ppl....so it means distribute...spread...

sounds this emit >> scatter..

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semminate means comes to something conclusion, disseminate means to scatter the idea.


Short Definition : disagreement of opinions causing strife within a group

(noun) disagreement among those expected to cooperate
Synonyms : discord
(noun) a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dissension

opposite of assent... asseni is to agree

DISSECTION means to tear the body and study internal parts.....DISSENSION means disagreement...hence DISSECTION has always been a topic of DISSENSION among various people....

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dis(-ve) .session me disagreement ie dissension

resembles closely with......tension.......

resembles closely with....tension


Short Definition : disagree

(noun) (law) the difference of one judge's opinion from that of the majority
Example Sentence
  • he expressed his dissent in a contrary opinion
(noun) a difference of opinion Definition
(noun) the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent
Synonyms : objection protest
(verb) withhold assent
Example Sentence
  • Several Republicans dissented
(verb) express opposition through action or words
Synonyms : protest resist
Example Sentence
  • dissent to the laws of the country
(verb) be of different opinions
Example Sentence
  • I beg to differ!
  • She disagrees with her husband on many questions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dissent

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ASSENT, ACCORD etc mean, to agree and DISSENT, DISCORD etc mean to disagree.

dis+assent=> opposite of agreement=>to refute

dissent sounds like descend...The team's score descended(went down) due to disagreements (difference in opinion) between players.

dissent..i dont agree with this(dis) sent(scent-perfume)..i hate it..disagreement

sirf (dis )20 bis cent log agree hue, matlab bakisab to disagree hue na

dissent-imagine your dai has sent you away from your house because he disagrees with you

dis + sent = opposite sense (similarly assent)

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