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    discord - Dictionary definition and meaning for word discord

    (noun) lack of agreement or harmony
    Synonyms : strife
    (noun) disagreement among those expected to cooperate
    Synonyms : dissension
    (noun) a harsh mixture of sounds
    Synonyms : discordance
    (noun) strife resulting from a lack of agreement
    Synonyms : discordance
    (verb) be different from one another
    Synonyms : disaccord , disagree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discord

DIS(not)+ACCORD(agreement)...accord means agreement...hence discord means disagreement....

when ur not strucking the CHORD together,,it resultz in disharmony (of an instrument)

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When you donot have a healthy communication with people, it may give rise to conflicts and cause a lack of harmony. Similarly for musical cords, when there is a discord, there is dissonance in the sound.

DISCORD sounds like DIS ACCORDANCE which means not synchronous no agreement

The chef DISCARDED the soup made by a cook because it was too sweet. The chef & the cook had different opinions about taste.

DIS + ACCORD = DISCORD... which means not agree... so then pleople flight.. due to conflicts!...

accord means in agreement or in harmony, DIS+CORD, dis accord means the opposite, not in harmony

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