• word of the day


    degenerate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word degenerate

    (noun) a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
    Synonyms : deviant , deviate , pervert
    (verb) grow worse
    Synonyms : deteriorate , devolve , drop
    Example Sentence
    • Her condition deteriorated
    • Conditions in the slums degenerated
    • The discussion devolved into a shouting match
    (adj) unrestrained by convention or morality
    Example Sentence
    • Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society
    • deplorably dissipated and degraded
    • riotous living
    • fast women
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for degenerate

degenerate -> de+generate -> don't generate more products because the quality has decreased and people are not buying it anymore.

if a machine is used in generating to product.. after some years it will degenerate !....

DE(DECREASE)+GENERATE...decrease in generating capacity......DETERIORATE THE image of a being a leading manufactur company.

Its about sexual behaviour...If you DE(don't) Generate kids after marriage, you wife will get angry and you will degenerate

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