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This wordlist is generally used by students preparing for GRE.

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Short Definition : restore to good condition; renew

(verb) restore to a previous or better condition
Synonyms : restitute
Example Sentence
  • They renovated the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
(verb) make brighter and prettier
Synonyms : freshen up refurbish
Example Sentence
  • we refurbished the guest wing
  • My wife wants us to renovate
(verb) give new life or energy to
Example Sentence
  • A hot soup will revive me
  • This will renovate my spirits
  • This treatment repaired my health
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for renovate

Re + innovate

renovate= renova sounds like RECOVA (a kind of wrinkle free cream)which clears your wrinkles by rejunevating your skin.

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focus on nova (re+nova+ate) means new or nayaa

Re+inovate-When u repeatedly innovate u renew that thing i.e retore it to a better condition

renovate ~~ rhymes with re"locate" --> which means re"store" to good condition :)


Short Definition : fame; ADJ. renowned

(noun) the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed
Synonyms : celebrity fame
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for renown

Renown= re== again & again nown==KNOWN== listen about someone.(eg. katrina)


Short Definition : tear made by rending; rip; split

(noun) a payment or series of payments made by the lessee to an owner for use of some property, facility, equipment, or service Definition
(noun) an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart
Synonyms : rip snag split tear
Example Sentence
  • there was a rip in his pants
  • she had snags in her stockings
(noun) the return derived from cultivated land in excess of that derived from the poorest land cultivated under similar conditions
Synonyms : economic rent
(noun) the act of rending or ripping or splitting something
Synonyms : rip split
Example Sentence
  • he gave the envelope a vigorous rip
(verb) let for money
Synonyms : lease
Example Sentence
  • We rented our apartment to friends while we were abroad
(verb) grant use or occupation of under a term of contract
Synonyms : lease let
Example Sentence
  • I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners
(verb) engage for service under a term of contract
Example Sentence
  • We took an apartment on a quiet street
  • Let's rent a car
  • Shall we take a guide in Rome?
(verb) hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services
Synonyms : charter hire lease
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rent

it sounds like rend and both words mean the same, RENT = REND

rent~ for example u & ur fnds are staying in a room for rent....now the room rent must be divided(split) among urselves...simple to remember :)

He "rent"ed a torn sleeping bag.


Short Definition : capable of being repaired

(adj) capable of being repaired or rectified
Synonyms : rectifiable
Example Sentence
  • reparable damage to the car
  • rectifiable wrongs


Short Definition : compensation (for loss or wrong); amends; Ex. make reparation for the damage; CF. repair

(noun) compensation (given or received) for an insult or injury
Example Sentence
  • an act for which there is no reparation
(noun) (usually plural) compensation exacted from a defeated nation by the victors
Example Sentence
  • Germany was unable to pay the reparations demanded after World War I
(noun) the act of putting something in working order again Definition
(noun) something done or paid in expiation of a wrong
Synonyms : amends
Example Sentence
  • how can I make amends
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reparation

compare it with making repairs.i.e compensating for wrong doing

(Repay)-(Ration).. You repay your maid servant for the work it does by giving it your RATION CARD . Please Rate!

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reparation : re-pay as a compensation

paresaan karke ke baad ka muawja..compensation

compensation will b paid 1ly to the ration card


Short Definition : quick clever reply

(noun) adroitness and cleverness in reply
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repartee

rePARTEE, rhymes with party, so think of the party men, i.e. the politicians who are known for giving a CLEVER REPLY when interviewed.

The students gave a clever reply to the warden to party again in the hostel.

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re+partee..partee..sounds like party..... imagine a woman at a party with her cleverness and adroitness in her talks fetches everyone's attention towards her.

Imagine that you have scheduled your GRE after a week and your friends are forcing u 2 come for a party...you have to think of a quick intelligent reply !

Wit has two forms: quip and repartee. Funnily, quip is NOT quick and repartee is quick.


REP(reply)+ARTEE(artfully means cleverly)........a person who reply artfully..repartee

reporters shall be really good at what???


Short Definition : meal; feast; banquet

(noun) the food served and eaten at one time
Synonyms : meal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repast

Repast or say re+fast...before refasting the next day we have a repast.

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repast= remember + past = how?? arrange a get together and have a feast or banquet.

re PASTa...suppose u had pasta in ur MEAL..!!

repast = re+past=past+re= pastry= feast or you can also roll the word joining the first and last letters like repastrepastre...


Short Definition : revoke; annul

(noun) the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation
Synonyms : abrogation annulment
(verb) cancel officially
Example Sentence
  • He revoked the ban on smoking
  • lift an embargo
  • vacate a death sentence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repeal

we peal the ORANGE before eating .. similarly

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rejection of an appeal = repeal :)

His appeal is null since the law is repealed.

When you repel something you repeal that thing....

Repel-U hate it and drive it away. Repeal-U dislike it and renounce or cancel it.(it is neutral approch).The extra 'a' removes the anger.

It's a bad try but you can consider REPEAL as a mixture of REVOKE and ANNUL and that is what it means - REVOKE or ANNUL.

1. निरस्त करना 2. रद्द करना 3. निष्प्रभाव करना 4. खण्डन करना

Reverse of Appeal => Cancel

his first appeal was revoked so he will now re-appeal



Short Definition : drive away; disgust; Ex. repel the attack/moisture; Ex. repelled by the dirty room; CF. repulsion

(verb) cause to move back by force or influence
Example Sentence
  • repel the enemy
  • push back the urge to smoke
  • beat back the invaders
(verb) be repellent to; cause aversion in
Synonyms : repulse
(verb) force or drive back
Example Sentence
  • repel the attacker
  • fight off the onslaught
  • rebuff the attack
(verb) reject outright and bluntly
Synonyms : rebuff snub
Example Sentence
  • She snubbed his proposal
(verb) fill with distaste
Synonyms : disgust gross out revolt
Example Sentence
  • This spoilt food disgusts me
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repel

Rip the enemy to repel.


Short Definition : driving away; disgusting; offensive; repulsive; unattractive; N.

(noun) a compound with which fabrics are treated to repel water
Synonyms : repellant
(noun) a chemical substance that repels animals
Synonyms : repellant
(noun) the power to repel
Synonyms : repellant
Example Sentence
  • she knew many repellents to his advances
(adj) serving or tending to repel
Synonyms : rebarbative repellant
Example Sentence
  • he became rebarbative and prickly and spiteful
  • I find his obsequiousness repellent
(adj) highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
Example Sentence
  • a disgusting smell
  • distasteful language
  • a loathsome disease
  • the idea of eating meat is repellent to me
  • revolting food
  • a wicked stench
(adj) incapable of absorbing or mixing with
Synonyms : resistant
Example Sentence
  • a water-repellent fabric
  • plastic highly resistant to steam and water
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repellent

All Out: Mosquito repellent.

we know that repel means to " drive away"....repellent is the adj. form of repel...means " driving away" ....nearly having the same meaning :)

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