This wordlist is generally used by students preparing for GRE.
Short Definition : outward demonstration; manifesting; indication of the presence of something; Ex. manifestation of his pronounced musical bent
Short Definition : public declaration of principles; statement of policy
Short Definition : many in number or kind; numerous; varied
Short Definition : operate with one's hands; control or play upon (people, forces, etc.) artfully; maneuver; Ex. how to manipulate publicity and men; ADJ. manipulative
Short Definition : affected; not natural; Ex. mannered way of speech
Short Definition : distinctive behavioral trait; affected style in art (according to a set of styles)
Short Definition : loose sleeveless outer garment; cloak; something that covers or envelops; the layer of the earth between the crust and the core
Short Definition : emancipate; free from slavery or bondage
Short Definition : spoil the appearance of
Short Definition : move in search of plunder; Ex. marauding army