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Short Definition : without exceptions; made without any doubt in mind; unqualified; absolute

(adj) relating to or included in a category or categories
Synonyms : categoric
(adj) not modified or restricted by reservations
Example Sentence
  • a categorical denial
  • a flat refusal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for categorical

assume that there are two categories A & B and you have to put an object in one of them..now when you put that object in a category..you are ABSOLUTEly sure that it belongs there.

belongs to all CATEGORIES without any exeption

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: sounds like category, so things put in category are clear and direct


categorical -> category of stones(cal - stones in tamil) Unambiguously explicit and direct types of stones.


Short Definition : provide food and drink (for); cater to: try to satisfy (desires of a bad kind)

(verb) give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
Synonyms : ply provide supply
Example Sentence
  • The hostess provided lunch for all the guests
(verb) supply food ready to eat; for parties and banquets
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cater

cater seperated into- cat and tear -cats generally provide their food from people by crying (are they?) hence tear occur in their eyes. After that day cat use that method for providing food called cater :)

a caterer supplies food

The food was supplied in a shopping 'cart'

cater-seems like caterings who provide food for people in specially arranged occassions

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it will be written on hotel posters that "catering" is available

provide food and drink to cat by her and satisfy it

cater ( keta) It is a difficult job to meet ( cater) the needs of the youths which are affiliated with the current technology

CARE+Taker-we CATE+Take by providing food and drink....


Short Definition : purging or cleansing of any passage of the body; purging and weakening of strong emotions as a result of experiencing a dramatic work of art

(noun) (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions
Synonyms : abreaction katharsis
(noun) purging the body by the use of a cathartic to stimulate evacuation of the bowels
Synonyms : katharsis purgation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for catharsis

CATHA sounds like KATHA(a religious story in hindi)..KATHA leads to the purging(means release) of emotional tensions.

Lets put it this way: the INDIAN KATHA was so inpiring that it led to the gettin rid of emotions!! meaning2:cath+arse...ARSE means the part of body where u get rid of sumthing

cath + 'arse' : so its used for evacuation of the bowels

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kaththu + archesi (after all the shouting you feel relaxed, giving up all emotions)

CATHER....A TUBE that is used in some chemical test(related to abdominan) where it is inserted into the body for cleansing .so doing a test with cather is catharsis.

CATHAR+sis : Kathe +sis. By teling u r daily kathe(stories) to u r sis, u will feel relaxed and thus cleansing of emotion is also done

Catharsis=Cut hairs.To remove licks and clean.

From "katha rus" u can relieve ur mind n pure your soul

Kasaav(a Hindi word meaning tension) ke recess

Catharsis = cat (cut) + har (hair) + sis (sister); Cut hair sister i.e purging hair.

cut hair of sis in movie made him feel for his dead sister

CATHARSIS = KATH (KATTU)+ARSE = You feel relieved


Short Definition : purgative; medicine that causes the bowels to empty; ADJ.

(noun) a purging medicine; stimulates evacuation of the bowels Definition
(adj) emotionally purging
Synonyms : psychotherapeutic
(adj) emotionally purging (of e.g. art)
Synonyms : releasing
(adj) strongly laxative
Synonyms : evacuant purgative
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cathartic

CATHARSIS is getting rid of emotions CATHARTIC is getting rid of DIRT from the bowels(intestine)

cut the hair for fathers death make sad, so we made him cry and forget it.

one cata(pin) is enter in ur foot

sounds like katha+farting.i.e. katha of medicine which helps farting i.e to empty bowels...


Short Definition : (of likings and interests) universal; general; broad; including many different parts; wide-ranging liberal; Ex. catholic opinions/tastes

(noun) a member of a Catholic church Definition
(adj) of or relating to or supporting Catholicism
Example Sentence
  • the Catholic Church
(adj) free from provincial prejudices or attachments
Example Sentence
  • catholic in one's tastes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for catholic

Catholic Christians are found everywhere in the world....so they are present universally.

cata+holo+ic where holo refers to the whole world so its UNIVERSAL

CATs are wHOLe worldic.. That means cats are found everywhere, they are universal.


Short Definition : private meeting of a group of people in a political party to select officers or determine policy; CF. the Caucus club of Boston

(noun) a closed political meeting Definition
(verb) meet to select a candidate or promote a policy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for caucus

cau + cus sounds like can collector come to discuss..... lets get together in a group and discuss about who will be elected ...

A meeting where COWS+disCUS therefore caucus is closed political(cows) meeting

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caucus + sense = consensus

think of "RUCKUS" our politicians create in the parliament... sounds similar to CAUCUS

cavvukuni discuss

discussions of politicians are heard as 'cau-cau' as they discuss like crows..

Caucus like chokas in hindi. Means alert and watchful. All alert people in a group meet each other to determine policy

cus sounds like "cush" of cigarette. You smoke with a group to decide something.

Sound like RAUCOUS which means harsh noise..MEETINGS AND DISCUSSIONS are generally NOISY.

caucus:cau cu is the sound of small dogs...

sounds like KYA+KISE .we arrange private meetings to discuss KYA kare+KISE select kare in election.

in the party campus private meeting of a group of people in a political party to select officers


Short Definition : implying a cause-and-effect relationship; N. causality

(adj) involving or constituting a cause; causing
Example Sentence
  • a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for causal

Causal == cause; i.e; something relating to cause

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all casualties have a causal

No current in TN cause + all prob in the state


Short Definition : burning; corrosive; able to burn by chemical action; sarcastically biting; (of remarks) intended to hurt; bitter; harmful; OP. harmless

(noun) any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue Definition
(adj) harsh or corrosive in tone
Example Sentence
  • an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
  • a barrage of acid comments
  • her acrid remarks make her many enemies
  • bitter words
  • blistering criticism
  • caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
  • a sulfurous denunciation
  • a vitriolic critique
(adj) of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for caustic

caustic soda is very common and its "harmful " for health if taken in large quantity....therefore caustic means harmful or burning. Since its a soda its somehow related with chemistry as well..

sounds like 'caution'... meaning, be careful, there is something..... that is corrosive... or... 'can cause corrosion'.

In medical terms 'cauterize' is burning or sealing the ends of blood vessels/nerves similar to destroying; As far as speech, talking about the holoCAUST can be harsh

caustic=it CAUSes your TIssues destroy!

The stinging sunburn I got CAUSed an involuntary TICk in my arm.


Short Definition : burn (a wound or snakebite, etc.) with hot iron or caustic substance to stop bleeding and prevent infection

(verb) burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent
Synonyms : burn cauterise
Example Sentence
  • The surgeon cauterized the wart
(verb) make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals
Synonyms : callous cauterise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cauterize

caught the rise of wound by burn wid hot iron

sounds like cotton ...which we use to heal and stop bleeding from burns

rise to think of caustic...

when you are raising the cot and it falls on your feet, u get wounded which burns.

Caustic Sterilize i.e. Sterilize(rhymes with cauterize) using caustic substance

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Charr(Burning) treatment, to be precise


Short Definition : procession of riders or horse-drawn carriages; parade; CF. cavalry

(noun) a procession of people traveling on horseback
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cavalcade

caval(ry) (horses) + parade = parade on horses.

this word resembles the word,cavalry, ie horses..

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cavalcade -> cabal + parade; parade of group of people

camel ki parade => horses ki parade

caval(security in tamil) cade (cage) like wife sitting behind or security in horse carriage -> succession,procession of riders

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