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Short Definition : destruction of life; slaughter; killing of large numbers of people or animals

(noun) the savage and excessive killing of many people
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carnage

If under aged people drive the car, there is a possibility that he may kill people or animals on the road.

carn+age where carn can be seen from the carnivorous point of view so its DESTRUCTION OF LIFE, SLAUGHTER,KILLING...

carnage = car + rage(remove n). A car coming in rage may result in mass killing or mass destruction.

CAR+NAGE.....SOME young people went on rampAGE with thier CARS ON THE FOOTPATH , killing large NUMBER OF PEOPLE .

carnivorous age..implies destruction!!!

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CAR+NAZI - NAZIs coming in CAR and it led to carnage of many jews.

CAR+AGE:when a CAR gets AGED its sent for as scrap (destruction)

car+age you know these days cars don't last long they easily are destroyed, killing people, a destruction.

let us say carnage is a age like the iron age where slaughtering and destruction of life took place

remember carnage as a carnaval+rage when many people gathered but because of the rage, there were mass murders.


Short Definition : fleshly; sensual; concerning the desires of the body

(adj) marked by the appetites and passions of the body
Synonyms : animal fleshly sensual
Example Sentence
  • animal instincts
  • carnal knowledge
  • fleshly desire
  • a sensual delight in eating
  • music is the only sensual pleasure without vice
(adj) of or relating to the body or flesh
Example Sentence
  • carnal remains
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carnal

Nowadays cars are used (as a place) to satisfy carnal desires.

carnivorous animals love carnal food

carnal like as kernel - the core or body of the linux

girl tells 2 boy in hindi- "mere naal (with me in punjabi) aana ho to car carnal honi chaiye"

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we can say Core is Nal(Nil) meaning no spirituality hence only bodily.

carnal can be remembered a girl in car and nude.looked sexious and physical.

carnal= physical related. carnal = karnal. a place in hariyana. hariyana recently is plagued with rape and sexual abusue


Short Definition : meat-eating; N. carnivore; CF. herbivore

(adj) relating to or characteristic of carnivores
Example Sentence
  • the lion and other carnivorous animals
(adj) (used of plants as well as animals) feeding on animals
Example Sentence
  • carnivorous plants are capable of trapping and digesting small animals especially insects


Short Definition : drunken revel; V. carouse

(noun) revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carousal

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wen u see a car driven unusual than the driver could b drunken -carousal : car unusual

maybe you can see it this way... arous = arousal and al = alcohol....somehow you can try and relate it to drinking

Carnal+Arouse...most of the noisy drinking parties arouse your carnal desires....carnal desire arousal i.e carousal

rous- this word itself brings to the meaning problem,drunken problem.

carnivorous(is wild) + arousal=wild drinking party

carousal sounds like karachal which in tamil means noise which occurs at drinking party

carousal => cafe + arousal => drinking revel

c+arouse+al where arouse is group of people in excitement here it is like DRUNKEN REVEL.


Short Definition : petty criticism; fault-finding; fretful complaining; quibble

(noun) persistent petty and unjustified criticism
Synonyms : faultfinding
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carping

If you will ping with your car horn, people will shout at you...they will complain... carping...

Car+p(ark)+ing; Many people find faults in ur carparking style

carping sounds like crap...so its unjustified to criticize this word and call it "crap".

carping - harping in an irritating way = fretful complaining

If you ping some one while driving car your parents criticize you.

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ping kar kar k galti batana

Sounds like crapping... means critism, complain, finding faults.

If someone "Ping your car"..they COMPLAIN about you

It's easy to be carping at one, rather then to act for cause.


Short Definition : rotting flesh of a dead body; CF. vulture

(noun) the dead and rotting body of an animal; unfit for human food
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carrion

car+lion imagine rotten body of a lion after a car run over it.

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The vulture carries on eating carrion . (carries on=carrion)

Vultures CARRY ON the process of decaying of dead animals(carrion)

Hey guys, don't carry the rotten CARRION. Carry on searching fresh flesh.

its law of nature bodies will die n will decay...but we must CARRY ON

ifu can identify rio in the above word, rio de janerio...in the outskirts of rio de janerio,u can find canibals and vultures eating dead ,rotten flesh together.

No one oses carrion to make curry.

if u find rooten flesh on road dont stop.....still carry+on

CARRI+ON=carry on. means the food chain cannot carry on without decomposition/rotting of dead bodies.

Sounds like CARRIER--carrier carries DEAD BODY..

Orion, the hunter hunts down animals and leaves dead rotten animals behind.

The one who carry on his life by rotting flesh of a dead body.


Short Definition : map-maker

(noun) a person who makes maps
Synonyms : map maker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cartographer

graph- kind of map, grapher- map maker..

in olden times people used to travel in CARTS & refer to MAPS(graphs)..so they were cartographers

it can be assumed like ''car ko graph kar''... Which means in order to find the hidden car you will need to draw the graph for it... So its ''map or graph maker''...

in order to drive a CAR you need city map, so you and ask Car "map grapher"

cartographer -> Gps shows map in car as graph. Its a map maker.


Short Definition : small waterfall

(noun) a small waterfall or series of small waterfalls Definition
(noun) a succession of stages or operations or processes or units
Example Sentence
  • progressing in severity as though a cascade of genetic damage was occurring
  • separation of isotopes by a cascade of processes
(noun) a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc) likened to a rain shower
Synonyms : shower
Example Sentence
  • a little shower of rose petals
  • a sudden cascade of sparks
(verb) rush down in big quantities, like a cascade
Synonyms : cascade down
(verb) arrange (open windows) on a computer desktop so that they overlap each other, with the title bars visible
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cascade

cask+add little more water to get a small waterfall


Short Definition : one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society; social stratification; prestige

(noun) social status or position conferred by a system based on class
Example Sentence
  • lose caste by doing work beneath one's station
(noun) (Hinduism) a hereditary social class among Hindus; stratified according to ritual purity Definition
(noun) a social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth Definition
(noun) in some social insects (such as ants) a physically distinct individual or group of individuals specialized to perform certain functions in the colony


Short Definition : punishment; severe criticism or disapproval

(noun) a severe scolding Definition
(noun) verbal punishment
Synonyms : chastisement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for castigation

In olden days lower CAST people were severely criticized...

Castigated sounds similar to castrated, which would be a harsh punishment for any guy.

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due to the CASTe system there is so much agitATION....therefore it is under severe criticism

If you have to throw a criminal out of the GATES of society, CAST him out the GATE - CASTiGATion...

u criticize severely and punish those who ask ur CASTE at the GATE

one who follws CASTEism is thrown out of the GATE

castigation sounds like rustication.

In Iran, if you break your chastity you will suffer chastisement. In USA, if you do caste discrimination, you will suffer castigation.

Inter caste Marriage will result in punishment; severe criticism or disapproval. (castigation -> gate for love using caste)

castigation -> gate for love using caste, if broken punishment & disapproval

CASTIGATION we cast gold to get its finest level same way we SCOLD or PUNISH to make them proper.

"Castigation" sounds like "caste at every gate of the nation" which acts as a punishment and severe disapproval due to the use of caste quota..

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