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    mordant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word mordant

    (noun) a substance used to treat leather or other materials before dyeing; aids in dyeing process Definition
    (adj) harshly ironic or sinister
    Synonyms : black , grim
    Example Sentence
    • black humor
    • a grim joke
    • grim laughter
    • fun ranging from slapstick clowning ... to savage mordant wit
    (adj) of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
    Synonyms : caustic , corrosive , erosive , vitriolic
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more +daant = more teeth, so biting

......MOR..(MORE means jayada )+DANT?(DANNT)...in our child hood when playing with our frnds we use to STING OR BITE THEM WHENEVER WE GOT ANGRY ON THEM BECOZ OF THAT hame kabhi (more)daant bhi milti thi mummy papa se...

Mortal + Ant biting, stinging

you start "more denting" i.e mordant your car before you give it a new paint.

mar(death) + dant(teeth) ---> deadly dent bite

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