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    panegyric - Dictionary definition and meaning for word panegyric

    (noun) a formal expression of praise
    Synonyms : encomium , eulogy , paean , pean
    (adj) formally expressing praise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for panegyric

pane sounds like paean means praise and gyric sounds like lyric, so panegyric means expression of praise

pane(pain)+gyric(lyrics)=if someone takes pain and writes lyrics then he will get <b>PRAISED</b>!!!

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panehyric:gyric sounnds like "lyric".so if any song has a good lyric then everybody praise it...in invites appreciation and praises..

it sounds like eugyric which also means praise

Pen + jerry = When Jerry helps Tom from Owner. Tom offers pen to Jerry and say go i.e. formal praise.

If the lyrics of the songs are good then the lyricist will get PRAISEd

pan+e+gyric~juric= i told to jury of india that we need a facility to apply pan cards through E~electonically ie, Online. And ther judge/Jury praised me for this idea.

Looking through a window pane at the formal wear makes me want to express praise, not jeers (gyric)

opposite of pan is panegyrc

sounds like panipuri.. you praise sb if they get you panipuri

PANEGYRIC= PANIGRAHANAM, when panigrahanam happens others praise through manthras

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