This wordlist is generally used by students preparing for GRE.
Short Definition : pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; narrow; unsophisticated
Short Definition : act of providing; something provided; preparatory measure; provisions: necessary supplies (esp. food); stipulation; condition in an agreement; Ex. According to the provisions of the agreement
Short Definition : tentative; temporary
Short Definition : stipulation; condition in an agreement; provision
Short Definition : arousing anger or sexual interest; annoying; Ex. provocative in tight jeans; V. provoke: incite to anger; cause (an unpleasant action or feeling); N. provocation
Short Definition : extraordinary ability; military bravery; Ex. prowess in battle
Short Definition : nearness; ADJ. proximate
Short Definition : authorized agent; authority to act for another
Short Definition : excessively modest or proper person (who is easily shocked by improper things, esp. of a sexual nature); N. prudery; ADJ. prudish: excessively concerned with propriety
Short Definition : cautious; careful; prudential