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    cogent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cogent

    (adj) powerfully persuasive
    Synonyms : telling , weighty
    Example Sentence
    • a cogent argument
    • a telling presentation
    • a weighty argument
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cogent

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cogent - gent - a gentle person is always the right person to convince others.

co+agent...cooperative agents make congent suggestions.

CO & GENT, two men (gents) joining together (co) in a team to persuade you, will be more 'powerfully persuasive' than just one gent.

Cogent - Gent - Gentleman - Gentleman always uses fine-toned words to convince others. Gentleman's convincing manners convinces anybody.

Co-operative bank agents are generally pursuasive.

COGENT=CO.+AGENT.. I find my Company's Agents more convincing than others

Cogent like cognizant or appealing to the mind with reason.

CO(company)+GENTleman...company of gentleman are always convincing.....they don't need to use force to convince people....

<B>Cognitive Enchantment</B>

co(converse)+gent(gently)...wen u r conversed gently u r well argued

Sounds like coherent...

if u r in a grp and if u want ur idea to b implemented,den u need to b coagent i.e., b able to convince ur COAGENT

cogent can be thought of as co(vert)+ agent. who is a covert agent? Sam fisher is. he grabs you in a choke hold and persuades you to do things.

cognos means to be aware of. so when we are aware of a subject then we can easily persuade people on that subject

My parents will give consent if my argument is cogent.

it has 'cause' in it

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text: i'm impressed raj those are very cogent
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