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    connivance - Dictionary definition and meaning for word connivance

    (noun) agreement on a secret plot
    Synonyms : collusion
    (noun) (law) tacit approval of someone's wrongdoing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for connivance

Sounds like "convenience"...today everybody is convenient in ignoring the wrong thing...

cunning assistance!!!

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can relate it with "cunning glance"

split the word conn+ ivance Con-to decieve ivance reminds us of ignorance so connivance=ignoring something deceiving/wrong

Con+naïve = cons (cheats) and acts naïve, inturn pretends to ignore, in a way, conspiring to commit the crime...

connivance can be conni,vans...in telugu konni means few.so few vans are taken to do a dangerous deed.especially maruthi van..

CONNIVANCE: CONN(kaun,WHICH);IVANCE(events)...so it basically means which events are u talkin abt..pretending u were not there when those evnts occured

Konnuduvein ( i'll kill you) if you tell some one abt this incident... villan threatening common man to approve his wrong doing

connivance: cooperation+cunning +in advance or secretly approving wrongdoing

con+jure con means kannu in telugu and jure sounds like jerripothu. If u don't eat food i will turn your eye into jerripothu.

In the centre of the word connivance is -niv- which stands for knife or backstabbing. Co stands for cooperation , so cooperation for backstabbing or a secret conspiring. Vance stands for advance plot. Con also stands for condone

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