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Short Definition : be widespread; triumph over; gain victory; prevail on: persuade; induce; Ex. Justice has prevailed; Ex. prevail on someone to do something

(verb) be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
Example Sentence
  • Money reigns supreme here
  • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
(verb) be valid, applicable, or true
Synonyms : hold obtain
Example Sentence
  • This theory still holds
(verb) continue to exist
Synonyms : die hard endure persist run
Example Sentence
  • These stories die hard
  • The legend of Elvis endures
(verb) prove superior
Synonyms : triumph
Example Sentence
  • The champion prevailed, though it was a hard fight
(verb) use persuasion successfully
Example Sentence
  • He prevailed upon her to visit his parents
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prevail

PROVE+WELL......you prove that you are superior

PRE(BEFORE) vaIL(WHALES) are going to b extinct in near by future..so we must SPREAD them WIDELY and by doing that we can "GAIN VICTORY"


Short Definition : widespread; generally accepted

(adj) most frequent or common
Example Sentence
  • prevailing winds
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prevalent

talent is not prevalent (comman) among people.

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prevalent prevails.

valency of elements is widespread and generally accepted by evryone


Short Definition : lie; hide the truth (by equivocating)

(verb) be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prevaricate

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divide is as pre(..before)+var(truth..)+icate(..gate) ..i.e. before truth, you have kept a gate. Hence you are LYING or HIDING THE TRUTH..

pre+var(truth)+cate(fabricate) is to fabricate the truth, meaning to lie.

pre(before)varicate(varying) i.e varying the truth b4 bcomz a lie

pre(Before)+var(True)= so before telling the truth you awlays lie

Preparing Various Cate;say Cate is a girl,preparing various Cate to hide the true Cate

Pre(before) marriage evry var(groom) lies

pre-varicate ~ prevent verification: deliberately avoid to confirm the correctness, the truth of sth.

= Pari-vari (which is all false, evading the truth)

When we prevari-cate before-the-gate we dont always tell-the-completed truth.

pr-eva(de)-(fab)ricate= evade d truth by fabricating it

read it like: pre+vary+cat, i.e. first vary words like a cat.. means Lie..

Previously varicate has been created to avoid the truth.

equi+vocate sounds like advocate... corrupt advocates LIE, to CONCEAL THE TRUTH which MISLEADS the judge..


Short Definition : target of a hunt; victim; V: hunt and eat as prey; victimize; Ex. Cats prey on mice.

(noun) a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
Synonyms : fair game quarry target
Example Sentence
  • he fell prey to muggers
  • everyone was fair game
  • the target of a manhunt
(noun) animal hunted or caught for food
Synonyms : quarry
(verb) profit from in an exploitatory manner
Synonyms : feed
Example Sentence
  • He feeds on her insecurity
(verb) prey on or hunt for
Synonyms : predate raven
Example Sentence
  • These mammals predate certain eggs


Short Definition : proper to the point of affectation; very precise and formal; exceedingly proper

(verb) assume a prim appearance
Example Sentence
  • They mince and prim
(verb) contract one's lips
Example Sentence
  • She primmed her lips after every bite of food
(verb) dress primly
Synonyms : prim out prim up
(adj) affectedly dainty or refined Definition
(adj) exaggeratedly proper
Example Sentence
  • my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prim

In order to be very precise and formal with my speech.., I had to trim all my stories. (Prim - Trim)

if you're going to a PROM you better dress PRIM

prime minister should always dress primly

prim -very "precise" and "methodical" (formal) Primary agenda of meeting has to be prim

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prim = p(position) + rim (rev=speed up); due to position in post speed up i.e increase he got the permission to wear coat at office i.e he should be dressed neatly.


Short Definition : first in rank or importance; being first in time; original; Ex. man's primal innocence

(adj) serving as an essential component
Example Sentence
  • a cardinal rule
  • the central cause of the problem
  • an example that was fundamental to the argument
  • computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure
(adj) having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state
Example Sentence
  • aboriginal forests
  • primal eras before the appearance of life on earth
  • the forest primeval
  • primordial matter
  • primordial forms of life


Short Definition : first in rank or importance; principal; earliest in time; Ex. primary stages; N. CF. first

(noun) a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen
Synonyms : primary election
(noun) one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing Definition
(noun) (astronomy) a celestial body (especially a star) relative to other objects in orbit around it Definition
(noun) coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit
Example Sentence
  • current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil
(adj) of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary
Example Sentence
  • primary goals
  • a primary effect
  • primary sources
  • a primary interest
(adj) not derived from or reducible to something else; basic
Example Sentence
  • a primary instinct
(adj) most important element
Synonyms : chief main master principal
Example Sentence
  • the chief aim of living
  • the main doors were of solid glass
  • the principal rivers of America
  • the principal example
  • policemen were primary targets
  • the master bedroom
  • a master switch
(adj) of or being the essential or basic part
Synonyms : elemental elementary
Example Sentence
  • an elementary need for love and nurturing
(adj) of primary importance
Synonyms : basal


Short Definition : group of mammals including humans

(noun) a senior clergyman and dignitary Definition
(noun) any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet


Short Definition : period of ideal or peak condition; earliest or beginning stage; Ex. in the prime of life; Ex. prime of the year(spring); ADJ: first in importance or rank; first; V: make ready; prepare

(noun) a number that has no factor but itself and 1
Synonyms : prime quantity
(noun) the period of greatest prosperity or productivity Definition
(noun) the second canonical hour; about 6 a.m. Definition
(noun) the time of maturity when power and vigor are greatest
Synonyms : prime of life
(verb) insert a primer into (a gun, mine, or charge) preparatory to detonation or firing
Example Sentence
  • prime a cannon
  • prime a mine
(verb) cover with a primer; apply a primer to
Synonyms : ground undercoat
(verb) fill with priming liquid
Example Sentence
  • prime a car engine
(adj) first in rank or degree
Synonyms : premier
Example Sentence
  • an architect of premier rank
  • the prime minister
(adj) used of the first or originating agent
Example Sentence
  • prime mover
(adj) of superior grade
Synonyms : choice prize quality select
Example Sentence
  • choice wines
  • prime beef
  • prize carnations
  • quality paper
  • select peaches
(adj) of or relating to or being an integer that cannot be factored into other integers
Example Sentence
  • prime number
(adj) being at the best stage of development
Synonyms : meridian
Example Sentence
  • our manhood's prime vigor


Short Definition : seniority by birth; state of being the first-born child; right of the eldest child (to inherit the entire property of one or both parents)

(noun) right of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for primogeniture

PRIMoGENITure... Considered PRIMary Due to GENTIC importance(genetically important or born first)

prime: first genetic: gene

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