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Short Definition : excessively exacting; too critical (without noticing good qualities)

(adj) inclined to judge too severely
Synonyms : overcritical
Example Sentence
  • hypercritical of colloquial speech
  • the overcritical teacher can discourage originality
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hypercritical

ur in a very critical situation and u need to get operated...so doctor DEMANDS a lot of money ...

hyper(means excessive, beyond limit)+critical....so something beyond the normal...means very critical

HYPER means excess and CRITICAL is to criticize....therefore HYPERCRITICAL is to criticize excessively without taking the good qualities in to consideration.


Short Definition : induced sleeping state; ADJ. hypnotic; V. hypnotize

(noun) a state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion


Short Definition : person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about illness; ADJ. CF. hypochondria: neurosis that one is or is becoming ill; CF. abdomen

(noun) a patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments Definition
(adj) suffering from hypochondria
Synonyms : hypochondriacal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hypochondriac

human cell contains MYTOCONDRIA, that is related to health.

body not well, will eat less corn.


Short Definition : pretending to be virtuous; deceiving; N. hypocrisy: profession of beliefs one does not possess; CF. hypocrite

(adj) professing feelings or virtues one does not have
Example Sentence
  • hypocritical praise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hypocritical

hyper means excessive,hypo means less. critics openly tell harsh comments. hypo+critical (less openly say harsh comments)pretending.

hypocritical comes from hypocrite. Opposite of criticize is to praise or say that person is good. hypo means opposite of critical. so hypo critical means appearing to be good

Team Lead while hike act in front good & talk bad behind make us critical situation.

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hype + critical >> making hype of critical thing... if one does not have any concern abt sm critical thng, bt to show he makes hype of it..


Short Definition : based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed; N. hypothesis

(noun) a hypothetical possibility, circumstance, statement, proposal, situation, etc.
Example Sentence
  • consider the following, just as a hypothetical
(adj) based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
Example Sentence
  • theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural
  • the supposed reason for his absence
  • suppositious reconstructions of dead languages
  • hypothetical situation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hypothetical

HYPO: unreal, abstract. THETICAL: theoretical, implies based on assumptions

hypo-before thetical-thesis. hypo+thetical - assumptions before thesis is written


Short Definition : excessive or uncontrollable excitement; N. hysteric: person suffering from hysteria; CF. hysterics: attack of hysteria

(noun) state of violent mental agitation
Synonyms : craze delirium frenzy fury
(noun) excessive or uncontrollable fear Definition
(noun) neurotic disorder characterized by violent emotional outbreaks and disturbances of sensory and motor functions
Synonyms : hysterical neurosis
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hysteria

sounds like history...which is feared by one and all

read it as mysteria. any mystery develops excitement within us

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Hysterical sounds like.."this Tree" which has all the ghosts staying on it. Now when you see it all wild emotions and fear rushes through.


pass in hystria(history ya) excessive or uncontrollable excitement

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