• word of the day


    delirium - Dictionary definition and meaning for word delirium

    (noun) state of violent mental agitation
    Synonyms : craze , frenzy , fury , hysteria
    (noun) a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delirium

split it as deli + r(i)um... taking rum daily will cause mental disorder

(Focus on deli in this word and relate that to Delhi) visualize the city DELHI where terrorist sometime create mental disorder among the residents...

delirium - sounds like daily rum... you will get mental disorder and confused

Sounds like delerious

deliri(l)ium..in the LIRIL advetisement every one will be bathing with excitment!!!...

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a lot of DELIma causes mental disorder... so delirium means mental disorder marked by confusion :)

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