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Short Definition : determine or seek opinions, votes, etc.; go through (a region) to solicit votes or orders; conduct a survey; N.

(noun) the setting for a narrative or fictional or dramatic account
Synonyms : canvas
Example Sentence
  • the crowded canvas of history
  • the movie demanded a dramatic canvas of sound
(noun) an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people Definition
(noun) a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
Synonyms : canvas sail sheet
(noun) a tent made of canvas fabric
Synonyms : canvas canvas tent
(noun) an oil painting on canvas fabric
Synonyms : canvas
(noun) the mat that forms the floor of the ring in which boxers or professional wrestlers compete
Synonyms : canvas
Example Sentence
  • the boxer picked himself up off the canvas
(noun) a heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents)
Synonyms : canvas
(verb) get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions
Synonyms : canvas poll
(verb) solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign
Synonyms : canvas
(verb) consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning
Example Sentence
  • analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare
  • analyze the evidence in a criminal trial
  • analyze your real motives
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for canvass

In Sri Lankan Cricket team there is a player with Name Chaminda Vas. Suppose if selectors will say "Can Vas play the next Tournament ?" They are looking for votes

just to complete what r4nj33t want to menation..if selectors will say "Can Vas play the next Tournament??" What are they ..are seeking our OPINION.OR VOTES IN FAVOUR OF THEM.

on CANVASS u always draw a picture and say ur opinions...

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The congressman is going to KANSAS city to CANVASS for votes and CANVASS people's opinions about their needs and wants

imagine a politician asking for vote beneath canvas tent


Short Definition : spacious

(adj) large in capacity
Example Sentence
  • she carried a capacious bag
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for capacious

Capacious -- relate it to Capacity -- An ability to hold.

Sounds like spacious i.e. having lot of space/capacity

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capaci(look like capacity…..means an ability to hold or possess something)+ous(sounds like us)…….our country sees its future in us ,as we are young and possess that ability to make our nation world super power.

capacious--kapa gal room is generally very spacious


Short Definition : mental or physical ability; role; position or duty; ability to accommodate; Ex. in my capacity as president

(noun) capability to perform or produce
Example Sentence
  • among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism
  • limited runway capacity
  • a great capacity for growth
(noun) the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment
Synonyms : capability
Example Sentence
  • the capability of a metal to be fused
(noun) the amount that can be contained
Synonyms : content
Example Sentence
  • the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons
(noun) the maximum production possible
Example Sentence
  • the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity
(noun) a specified function
Example Sentence
  • he was employed in the capacity of director
  • he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary
(noun) (computer science) the amount of information (in bytes) that can be stored on a disk drive
Example Sentence
  • the capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes
(noun) an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored Definition
(noun) the power to learn or retain knowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior
Synonyms : mental ability
(noun) tolerance for alcohol
Example Sentence
  • he had drunk beyond his capacity


Short Definition : having a very fine bore; resembling a hair; fine and slender; Ex. capillary attraction; N: very fine hairlike tube; CF. capillarity

(noun) a tube of small internal diameter; holds liquid by capillary action Definition
(noun) any of the minute blood vessels connecting arterioles with venules
Synonyms : capillary vessel
(adj) of or relating to hair Definition
(adj) long and slender with a very small internal diameter
Synonyms : hairlike
Example Sentence
  • a capillary tube
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for capillary

capillary:cap +ill+ary(a): ary(a) felt ill when he lost his cap(generally cap hold's place were it resemble's a hair)

Sounds like (CAP)GAP + Illary (no Gap)


Short Definition : surrender; give up all resistance

(verb) surrender under agreed conditions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for capitulate

CAPtain it's too late, we will have to surrender..

capital+ate -> if someone ate the capital that means the king of the capital has surrendered.

CAP ITU LATE : Cap(close/cover/stop) it, it is too late. Give in, yield, to stop resisting an enemy

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captured by someone ----> surrendered

If u GIVE UP ur spirit , you r a CAPI TULL(kannada)

This word can be related to Capitalism which weakened all the colonies.

Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire made empire slender and end as a result of this.

The CAPtain gave up resistance and surrended under agreed conditions!


Short Definition : whim; sudden change of mind without any real cause

(noun) a sudden desire
Synonyms : impulse whim
Example Sentence
  • he bought it on an impulse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for caprice

ca(kya)+price...u say to shopkeeper "abey yeh kya u go on changing price."

the government put a CAP on the PRICE of RICE..because it keeps changing

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cap (~ a hat). Cap price rises so you change your mind to buy one

cap+rice: cooked rice on your new wearing cap? sudden impulse will come to your mind.

My favorite car is a Caprice: So I remember it as: "I HAVE A CAPRICE FOR CAPRICE"

Cal saw the low price of rice and immediately was impulsed to buy some!


Short Definition : unpredictable; fickle

(adj) changeable
Synonyms : freakish
Example Sentence
  • a capricious summer breeze
  • freakish weather
(adj) determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
Synonyms : impulsive whimsical
Example Sentence
  • a capricious refusal
  • authoritarian rulers are frequently capricious
  • the victim of whimsical persecutions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for capricious

ca(CAR) + PRIC(PRICE)...PRICE OF cars nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of Tata's 1 lakh car.


Capricorn the goat(zodiac symbol) is capricious

if u wear Capri(a dress, also called 3/4th) in place of formal dress, it will be UNPREDICTABLE, ERRATIC.

Wearing a ricious cap (cap full of cooked rice=capricious)? Angry?

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CAPricious- CAP rounds (for entrance of medical or engg. courses) are so impredictable

cap of himesh reshammiya is very PRECIOUS he would be unpredictable when its stolen

A cowboy rides into town. He goes into the general store to buy a new pair of jeans. He impulsively changes mind and buys CAPRI-Pants instead. Now that's capricious!

part of this word is "Capri".. usually capri's are low waist... its very unpredictable when it may fall of ur waist.. its so loose..

CA(calcium)is precious ..it is not predictable when our teeth weakens

It sounds like cap-riches. Imagine a guy at a casino with his cap under where the money comes out of a slot machine. You never know the outcome of the slot machine. He might not get anything or he might get riches.

Being Capricious is not facetious because it happens on a whim.


Short Definition : (of a boat) turn over

(verb) overturn accidentally
Synonyms : turn turtle turtle
Example Sentence
  • Don't rock the boat or it will capsize!
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for capsize

if u want to know the size of a cap (which is generally present inside the cap), we need to overturn it to see the size

what is ur cap size. Matlab teri pagdi mein kitna dam hai means how much is the turn over.

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If you want to see the size of Cappal(Ship in tamil) the u need to turn it over


Short Definition : title; chapter heading; text under illustration

(noun) taking exception; especially a quibble based on a captious argument
Example Sentence
  • a mere caption unworthy of a reply
(noun) translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen
Synonyms : subtitle
(noun) brief description accompanying an illustration
Synonyms : legend
(verb) provide with a caption, as of a photograph or a drawing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for caption

Interesting Caption all the time captures our attention


Short Definition : faultfinding; too critical

(adj) tending to find and call attention to faults
Synonyms : faultfinding
Example Sentence
  • a captious pedant
  • an excessively demanding and faultfinding tutor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for captious

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First word that comes to mind -Captain, who will always find and call attention to Faults which must be altered.

simiar to CAUTIOUS...cautious people FIND FAULTS in things

CAPTION--ppl who supervise and copyright the CAPTIONs of good TV Ads ae particularly perfectionist and fault finding


CAPTION+ous so caption is one which is catchy. so a captious person always tries to pick faults in others,FAULTFINDING.

Captured by her attack on my character, I was trapped in an argument with her.

Captions...when you give too many CAPTIONS(comments) on you friend's photos, you try to find faults

we generally give captions or names to people if we find fault with them..like Mr. stupidity etc.,

Imagine a ships CAPTAIN yelling, "Swab the decks ye scurvy scum!"

if ur CAUTIOUS U will not do faults.

CAPPI TEA polirikunnu ennu objection paranju athu ozhivakki CAPTIOUS = tending to find silly faults

its sort of like keere nikaalna. A captious person makes you cautious forcibly.

capture your faults to make you cautious

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