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    ennui - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ennui

    (noun) the feeling of being bored by something tedious
    Synonyms : boredom , tedium
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ennui

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Actually the previous mnemonic is better...ennui sounds like YEH NAHEEEE!!!!

ennui...when pronounced sounds quite similar to ANNOYed....now think of a person who is always annoyed with everything......such a person could be very BORING and irritating for you.

ennui=en(anything)+nui(new) which can be said as 'anything new?? I am filled with "boredom" with the same old stuff'

its sounds/written like "nini aayi" which means feeling sleeping in Hindi. You feel sleepy when u r bored.

"Whee" is for when you are excited. Ennui (pronounced on-whee) is when you are bored.

sounds like "on we" so, 'on we go to find something to do'

ennui sound like a new ... .i.e i got bore by the old one

sound like anew so when we get bore we want new

ennui= en (enable) + nui (new); Due to fade up from past.

e(ayee)nnui(nahi)if someone is boared then he exclaimed aee nahi an

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