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    apex - Dictionary definition and meaning for word apex

    (noun) the highest point (of something)
    Synonyms : acme , peak , vertex
    Example Sentence
    • at the peak of the pyramid
    (noun) the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apex

Apex Climex (climax) gets me high of heights.

(apex:a+sex)when you will do sex with beautiful girl..this period is your top most period..means apex period.

ape+x an APE can climb to the TOPMOST/HIGHEST POINT

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apex sounds like A+PEAK that is a highest point

apex sounds like A+PEAK that is a highest point

Apex sounds like Apec- the APEC summit conference for leaders. So apex means summit or tip.

Apex sounds like alex alexander the great reached highest point in his carrer

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