• word of the day


    averse - Dictionary definition and meaning for word averse

    (adj) (usually followed by `to') strongly opposed
    Example Sentence
    • antipathetic to new ideas
    • averse to taking risks
    • loath to go on such short notice
    • clearly indisposed to grant their request
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for averse

averse- remember with adverse> opposite situation

averse~reverse. meaning opposite i.e. going in opposite direction when you reluctant to do something.

I was reluctant to sing A-VERSE of this song(imagine ur a bad singer)

averse = a + verse: you are DISINCLINED/RELUCTANT to do something you are not VERSED in

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a(away,not liking something)+ver(true,reality).........anything which is not real or away from reality is never liked by people and people oppose these kind of thing,and thus they become disinclined to what you offer to them

aver->state confidently...u state confidently when u r disinclined

we have aversion for adversions in our path

u pronounce it as WORSE... when sth is worse u STRONGLY OPPOSE it

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