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Short Definition : (of land) rising and falling in long gentle slopes; happening continuously by stages; Ex. rolling devolution of power to local governments

(noun) a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
Synonyms : peal pealing roll
(noun) the act of robbing a helpless person
Example Sentence
  • he was charged with rolling drunks in the park
(noun) propelling something on wheels
Synonyms : wheeling
(adj) uttered with a trill
Synonyms : rolled trilled
Example Sentence
  • she used rolling r's as in Spanish


Short Definition : play or frolic boisterously; gambol; N.

(noun) an easy victory Definition
(noun) a girl who behaves in a boyish manner
Synonyms : hoyden tomboy
(noun) gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement
Synonyms : caper frolic gambol play
Example Sentence
  • it was all done in play
  • their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly
(verb) play boisterously
Example Sentence
  • The children frolicked in the garden
  • the gamboling lambs in the meadows
  • The toddlers romped in the playroom
(verb) run easily and fairly fast Definition
(verb) win easily
Example Sentence
  • romp a race
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for romp

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It's tough to access disk. You can play with "ROM" as you like it :)

remember daddy yankee song rompe

Romp;change R to G & P to B:Gomb means gambol

romp : romp pom pupumpum .. (imagine this string playing boisterously) :D


Short Definition : cock; adult male chicken

(noun) adult male chicken
Synonyms : cock
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rooster

it sounds like roasted.Due to their big size male chickens r roasted while female r cooked

Male chicken gives "rose" to female chicken :)


Short Definition : rosy; optimistic; Ex. roseate views

(adj) of something having a dusty purplish pink color
Synonyms : rosaceous rose
Example Sentence
  • the roseate glow of dawn
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for roseate

Roj came and ate his brain by same saying good thoughts....he is here optimistic person wid some idealistic thoughts

roseate=rose+ate obviously rose is bright and also it is cheerful


You should be optimistic you give a ROSE.


Short Definition : list (of names)

(noun) a list of names
Synonyms : roll
Example Sentence
  • his name was struck off the rolls
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for roster

list of roast in hotel-onion roast,ghee roast,masal roast etc

It's a mix of: <br> ro(ll) + (li)st + (regist)er

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sounds like REGISTER which contains a LIST

ROWS in a THEATER.. List of ROWS A1-20 B1-20... etc


Short Definition : raised platform for speech-making; pulpit

(noun) a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it Definition
(noun) beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils
Synonyms : snout
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rostrum

ROJ(daily)+DRUM- on school's PULPIT/raised platform, roj drum bajaya jaata hai

one who drinks rum (with roast) will need give speech and hence needs a platform :)

rostrum can be made to sound like "raised + strum or system"


Short Definition : repetition; memorization through repetition without understanding; Ex. learn poetry by rote

(noun) memorization by repetition
Synonyms : rote learning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rote

ROT = read over thoroughly.

wrote and wrote and wROTE and wROTE again till you were too tired so you could only manage to write ROTE(w was too hard after REPEATING it so much)

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child was rote hue (crying ) repeating for candy just link with Hindi word rote

rote = ratta marna

cómon guys haven't you heard of ratta?

wROTE 100 times ( repetition)


Rote similar to "Ratta" marna in hindi


Short Definition : (of a person) fat and round

(adj) spherical in shape Definition
(adj) (of sounds) full and rich
Example Sentence
  • orotund tones
  • the rotund and reverberating phrase
  • pear-shaped vowels
(adj) excessively fat
Synonyms : corpulent obese weighty
Example Sentence
  • a weighty man
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rotund

remove the "t" in the word.

If you eat ROTi & UNDa(egg) routinely, you become rotund.

Rotund- It seems similar to "TONDU" (in hindi a fat person)...thus rotund is a fat person..

Rotund seems like roto, which is rounded part that rotates in machines


Short Definition : circular building or hall covered with a dome

(noun) a building having a circular plan and a dome Definition
(noun) a large circular room
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rotunda

RotUNDA, unda in hindi means egg, which is round.

rotunda = round architecture

tundra region me logo ke "round shaped ghar" hote hain....

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ROTU+NDA::: ROTI AUR ANDA.....Which is circular....


Short Definition : roundness; sonorousness of speech

(noun) the roundness of a 3-dimensional object Definition
(noun) the fullness of a tone of voice
Synonyms : roundness
Example Sentence
  • there is a musky roundness to his wordiness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rotundity

rotund = round

sounds lile ROTI in hindi and is usually round in shape

a girl who is ROnTU will have soreness in speech

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INFERNAL= smthing that is inferior like hell INFERiorAL

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