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Short Definition : right and power to apply the law; authority

(noun) (law) the right and power to interpret and apply the law
Synonyms : legal power
Example Sentence
  • courts having jurisdiction in this district
(noun) in law; the territory within which power can be exercised
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for jurisdiction

juris = pertaining to law and diction = The manner in which something is expressed in words.


Short Definition : science of law

(noun) the branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do
Synonyms : law legal philosophy
(noun) the collection of rules imposed by authority
Synonyms : law
Example Sentence
  • civilization presupposes respect for the law
  • the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for jurisprudence

juris = pertaining to law; prudence = intelligence/science

juris + student = a law student would study the science of law


Short Definition : place side by side; CF. next

(verb) place side by side
Example Sentence
  • The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for juxtapose

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juxtapose..just next+position..so place something just next to something.

juxt(just)+a+pose= they stand side by side(even they are enemies) to give JUST A POSE to the photo.

sounds like "just opposite". If a building is "just opposite" to another, they are almost side by side

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