• word of the day


    whorl - Dictionary definition and meaning for word whorl

    (noun) a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
    Synonyms : coil , curl , curlicue , gyre , ringlet , roll , scroll
    (noun) a strand or cluster of hair
    Synonyms : curl , lock , ringlet
    (noun) a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops
    Synonyms : coil , helix , spiral , volute
    Example Sentence
    • a coil of rope
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whorl

remember 'whi(o)rl'pool..!!!!!

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If we pronounce 'whorl' somewhat sounds like 'roll' which means 'coil'.

whorl~gol (round,circular in hindi)

Whorl sounds similar to twirl...twirl the strings round to form a whorl (coil) of rope.

whirlpool is a circular arrangement

A 'Whore' having a 'hole' with which she coils in a rod :P

whorl pool sounds like whirl pool---round pool

whorl = who rolled means twisting.

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