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    whittle - Dictionary definition and meaning for word whittle

    (noun) English aeronautical engineer who invented the jet aircraft engine (1907-1996) Definition
    (verb) cut small bits or pare shavings from
    Synonyms : pare
    Example Sentence
    • whittle a piece of wood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whittle

whit = small... whittle is to make things smaller by cutting

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sounds like a verb form of BRITTLE

hittle reminds us of Hitler who cut things into smaller ...also just focus on "hit" part of this...

whittle == little pieces.

Shall WE HIT IT TILL thin pieces come away?

whittle = w + hit + little;

kathal (jackfruit) has to whittled .... similar sounding

whittle = little the Wood by cutting it

Whittle sounds like divisible and also has the same meaning.They both mean, to reduce by removing parts.

"With" + "Hal" -> Imagine dividing something into small pieces with a hal.

Sounds like god Vittala(for vishnu in kannada) who is the god of creation (gives shapes)

vittle naam leke woods ko kato..whittle

Word used in video below:
text: this is Carson Whittle be lost without
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