• word of the day


    pervasive - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pervasive

    (adj) spreading or spread throughout
    Synonyms : permeant , permeating , permeative
    Example Sentence
    • armed with permeative irony...he punctures affectations
    • the pervasive odor of garlic
    • an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pervasive

look the word carefully..PERVASI+VE....and doesn't it sound like PRAVASI BHARTIYA DIVAS.....an initiative by the Indian government to attract NON RESIDENT INDIANS who are SPREAD WIDELY ACROSS THE WORLD........

perva(means festival in hindi) festivals are spread thorughout

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sounds like persuasive, if u are persuasive youre ideas will be pervasive

(per)+(vas)ive.here per:throughout and vas:to go so to go or spread every where..

Sounds like ""Param Shiv" so god is spread throughout...

pervasive sounds like expansive

pervasive sounds like per+massive n massive includes large area - spread throughout

pervasive is similar in meaning to IN-vasive

"That pearl you chucked at the poor vase has left a crack in it; now the water is apt to spread through all the cracks and leak everywhere!"

but basically this word is taken from pervādere means to pass through, which when splited means per-- through + vādere --to go, walk...so go or walk throughly..means go and walk in whole world..spread..throughly.....

a PERVert is the one who watches secretly , PERVS are present everywhere these days

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