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    pucker - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pucker

    (noun) an irregular fold in an otherwise even surface (as in cloth)
    Synonyms : ruck
    (verb) to gather something into small wrinkles or folds
    Synonyms : cockle , crumple , knit , rumple
    Example Sentence
    • She puckered her lips
    (verb) draw together into folds or puckers
    Synonyms : gather , tuck
    (verb) become wrinkled or drawn together
    Synonyms : ruck , ruck up
    Example Sentence
    • her lips puckered
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pucker

when you PUCKER(hindi for hold,catch) something then it gets wrinkled.

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

pronounce it as "pooker" when u pronounce like this u pucker(u fold ur mouth)

p "u" cker....so u is like an irregular fold or speed breaker

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