• word of the day


    impregnable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word impregnable

    (adj) immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
    Example Sentence
    • an impregnable fortress
    • fortifications that made the frontier inviolable
    • a secure telephone connection
    (adj) capable of conceiving
    Synonyms : conceptive
    (adj) incapable of being overcome, challenged or refuted
    Synonyms : inexpugnable
    Example Sentence
    • an impregnable argument
    • impregnable self-confidence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impregnable

im-pregnable = cannot be made pregnant , In early days there used to be iron clothings around chaste maidens' waste so that they can not be made pregnant by strangers. thus these women were impregnable= invulnerable

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im-'not'+pregnable sounds similar to pregnant.so if u are pregnant u cant withstand attacks and if u are IMPREGNABLE you are ABLE TO WITHSTAND ATTACK

Im+Pregnable= read like not+pregnant. When women are pregant,they become vulnerable to death. so impregnable means invulnerable

impregnable----im(imposibble) pregnable(pregnant) so she cannot be raped..she cannot be attacked..thus invulnerable :)

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