• word of the day


    tacit - Dictionary definition and meaning for word tacit

    (adj) implied by or inferred from actions or statements
    Synonyms : silent , understood
    Example Sentence
    • gave silent consent
    • a tacit agreement
    • the understood provisos of a custody agreement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tacit

tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room...but you didn't say it verbally but via your actions.

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tacit= take + it or you will have to take something which is not expresssed...

Tacit - Change the word to Tact - You tactfully (with perfection)handled the situation even without expressing it in words (tacit).

break it as taci -t = taxi ..when u r waiting on road side . it implied, understood without being expressed that you need taxi

Example for Tacit is Mr.Bean's Action,who used to laugh a lot with out speaking a word Mr.Bean is a tacit Actor :)

pushpaka vimanam is a movie in which kamalhasan acted,it is movie full of tacit no single word or dialogue,its full of actions

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