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    goad - Dictionary definition and meaning for word goad

    (noun) a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion
    Synonyms : prod
    (noun) a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
    Synonyms : goading , prod , prodding , spur , spurring , urging
    Example Sentence
    • the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves
    (verb) give heart or courage to
    Synonyms : spur
    (verb) urge with or as if with a goad Definition
    (verb) stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
    Synonyms : prick
    (verb) goad or provoke,as by constant criticism
    Synonyms : needle
    Example Sentence
    • He needled her with his sarcastic remarks
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goad tells you to "GO And Do [it]"

goad…sounds like god…..everyday when we pray…we always URGE to god ,to give us courage to face all the hurdles and obstacles in life.

GOAd...Just think of GOA...This itself is enough to URGE or STIMULATE you to go there

GOAD Looks like (Go+AND+Do) Urge on ---2nd meaning.

i am not able to tolerate your GODU(goad).... urging


Goad sounds like GOD who give courage to face everything in life.

goat ... bali ka bakra i.e you encourage someone to do but you have a hidden motive

goad = 1. stick 2. drive A stick which drives a GOAT (goad) can be used to drive u also

GOAD means SWEET in marathi. You urge ur guests to take some more sweets.

GOAD -> GOAT + TOAD. Imagine little boys prodding a GOAT and a TOAD, the way little boys do with animals.

GAADna(inter, push into ground)- for GAADna you have to GOAD.

small child urge for "goad"

GOD goading GOAT on ROAD.

go:going ; ad:advertisement; if an advertisement is going on and on ,it urges you to buy the product

remember it as go(Go)+ ahead(AD)....SO WE MOTIVATE

Ravana was goading god, till he appeared.

goad = girls are in road, thats why we are stimulate to follow them.

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